BYC University Clothing - Pre-Order CLOSED!!!

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BYC Staff
17 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop
Hey everyone! Sorry for the delay, but we wanted to have a great design and have everything setup for you!

NOTE: We liked the design so much that we put in a few more colors and also added some additional items to the list (tee shirts, Long Sleeve tees, etc.)

The design will be printed large on the front of the item for everything except the zippered hoodie where it will be printed on the back.

Please review the design below and if you are interested in pre-ordering (no payment required, but a commitment to buy) please fill in this form below. The expected prices are listed next to each item, but we won't know for sure until we find out how many will be ordered... these prices are based on a good number of orders... (I'm optimistic)

Shipping will be based on weight of the order, but will be around $5 - $7.

Hurry and decide so we can put in this order ASAP!

Here is a sample on a Navy shirt:

And samples on some of the other color shirts:


UPDATE - We'll take pre-orders until the end of day Sunday, 10/26!

NOTE: We may be able to go up to a 4xl and 5xl in the regular tee shirts, sweatshirts and a 4xl in the hoodie and long sleeves.

If you want these sizes please enter them in the "number" field in the form.
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Would payment be via PayPal or regular credit card order? I just might have to get my hands on one of the long sleeve T-shirts.
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