BYC's 13th Annual New Year's Day Hatch-Along - 2022

Hang in there. I went to bed early. Then the one hatched and was loud. My DH slept through it.
I can’t hear the chicks peeping even when they hatch. :hit
My wife actually saved 4 of them in the discard pile once. It was at the end of a very extended hatch and we had a power outage. I figured the hatch was over until she mentioned that there was peeping going on from the egg carton I had them in. I now candle every egg before discarding.
I now candle every egg before discarding.
I do this too. Also have gone to opening up the late quitters just to be sure after a similar experience.

One egg I won't need to open up is a maline from one of the greenfire eggs. Would love for the other one to hatch (which I think is a light sussex?) so we don't have a singleton while waiting on the other batches of eggs to begin hatching. I didn't get a chance to candle them again before they locked down so was surprised and pleased to wake up to a chick this morning.

For anyone wondering the outcome with Greenfire's handling of the glue on the eggs: they asked me to let them know how the eggs with adhesive on them went which I did a few days ago and got no reply. I'm not sure why they wanted me to let them know if they had no intention of replying. This test run with their "cheap" auction eggs has me questioning how they would handle a problem with a more expensive order and I don't believe I will ever find out. If they had made any gesture at all to replace the gluey eggs, I would have been happy to meet them in the middle on shipping or something, but this is 100% not the post office's fault and not a usual "risk of shipped eggs". Now begins the removal of the sticky stuff from my incubator.

Happy lockdown, everyone! Hoping for a full brooder for us all for the new year!
I didn't join the hatch a long but I did put eggs in the incubator on the 12th and a couple more on the 13th. I had 9 eggs in that didn't do anything. Out of 21 eggs I have babies growing in 8. Candling is amazing! All others have been removed from the incubator. Today I have to remove the turner which doesn't work and put them on lockdown. I'm super excited! My roosters are young and have started dancing with the girls so to speak. I'm sure a lot of the eggs just weren't fertilized. No growth whatsoever. I think 8 is a good number though. It's going to be fun trying to figure out"who's your daddy?".🤣 I have 2 Bielefelder roos and an Azure Egger who we call Mack Daddy cause he gets all the ladies. The eggs in the incubator come from my Easter Egger hens. I'm so happy to be able to follow along.
Here are all my pip eggs (7). These 3...



My hatched chick flipped this pipped egg over... I hope it will be okay.

Below this egg has a high pip...


7 pips.

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