Cabinet Styled Styrofoam Incubator?

I am curious how you have your water heater thermostat hooked up. On most water heaters, the water can cool 10 degrees F or more between cycling on and off. Good luck and have fun!!!
I like it, I like it, I LIKE IT A LOT! yeah I still might go that way with the mini-heater Punk... Looks like your mad experiment is gonna pay dividends too!
I hope so... I will be patiently waiting to see some furry criters pop out of your bator...Actually the Funny thing now is while getting ready for incubator run I'm ordering Everything in 2s, You guessed it...= 2X Timer Relays, 2X 12vdc motors, 2X Led Lightstrips & 8X Lightglobes!! I'm even Ordering things just to Trial for the Heck of it!! it's like ummm where's my White Lab Coat? But Hey Punk Your idea is a good one, I will like to give it a go maybe in a few weeks because? "International Shipping" = Waiting...drives me CraZZZy, Yeah!! hehe...
Good Luck, oh yeah P.S. Thanks for that Link about Splayed Legs...I had 3 chicks like that, I used bandage Tape same way, but without Splint...Worked fine on 2 of 3!

for the splayed legs I use the smallest yogurt cups I put shelf liner in the bottom of the cup and the chick pushes up the walls on the cup helps straighten its legs I have only done this 6-10 times it has worked most times first thing in the morning I take the chick out for a little while to let it eat and drink then put it back into the cup and about mid day take it out and let it eat and drink after 2-3 days they are OK it is best to do this before the legs set the first 72 hours of the chicks life
Haha, I know what you mean. I know a few people who also prefer to work with inexperienced people because some folks are so set in their ways that even if it is not working, they keep doing it. You sound like one of those patient types who are not only gifted at what you do, but also have that hard to find talent of being able to pass it on to others.

Yes, the T-stat wiring would be awesome if you have time!

some days I am a bit thick are you wanting the wiring for the water heater t-stat or the johnson controls t-stat ??
Oh, sorry, the Johnson controls t-stat. That would be me being unclear. XD It just feels wrong going around asking for diagrams of johnsons.
1 Week Later! I started with 19 Chicks Now I have 15 Left! due to Splayed Legs... What a downer to Loose that many!
I tried Taping (have you seen how Tiny those quail are?) But I didn't Try Aprophets idea about small restricted plastic containers.. (I'll have some in cupboard next time!) I was holding them to drink & tried feeding with eye dropper (mouths too small !!) Came home from Night shift to find my Lounge-room was "Stinked out!!" ..After posting about Splayed Legs it's News to me that there's gotta to be SPACE inside for Hatchlings... But in my case Whole Incubator was "FULL" of Eggs... Too Greedy for my Own Good! A few dozen Less Eggs Next time with some Perferated Paper should do the Trick!

b.t.w. Punk what kind of T-Stat you using Now?? My Water Heater is the 'Cheapest you can go' but it does work... I think though your turning into an "Ebay junkie" same as me!

Hi guys... I traded some scrap S/S & got another 50 quail eggs.. Yippee! Sat there for 1 day while I quickly modded incubator
, put bigger 8cm fan instead of 2X 4cm fans. Raised 1 End of Rollers (So Pointy End more down!!) Glued Eggs in pairs Again!! This Time Facing Front to Back, Like Momma Elephant & Baby Elephant! Awhh
This time I started with Manual Turning!! Too Lazy to wire up new Timer Relay! ~oh brother... Last time set T-Stat @ 37.5 This Time 38.0 deg C !! and only Turn 3Xs per day instead of Every 2 hours!! We'll just see what pops out? Also I will Cut out Bottoms of Hatching Trays/Baskets...AND Place Mesh... Hopefully NO More "Splayed Legs" EVERRRR!!!

Hey Aprophet I know your Freezer Camps got plenty of entries, how about You Punk-a-doodle? Ready for First Batch yet??
More pics of your incubator? Hope it's all progressing well...

Take care guys & best Luck k...
Ah man, it'll probably be a while for me. Maybe kinda sorta had an oriental frill squeaker shipped, so quail are on hold! I figured out a lot of my issues with humidity though, and will make a post about it all here eventually. On t-stats, I paid the 25 bucks to get a reptitemp500 t-stat. It has outlets to plug in two heat sources, is plug and play, and has an adjustable knob that when set keeps temps even. If I set it around 100 degrees F, it doesn't raise any and will drop to only 99 degrees. I really, really like it.
It's being used to control temps in the pigeon brooder right now though. XD
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Well done on the T-stat Punk-a-doodle....if it works well then rest is easy!.. Please let me know when you start your 1st batch, wishing you good success

So what have I been up to?.. hmmm, Started a 2nd Batch of Jap Quails... it's a Long story , but jist of it is I couldn't be bothered to rewire my Timer for Auto Turner... just turned breakfast, lunch & dinner give or take a few hours!! Sometimes came home from working nightshift & found temp had dropped below 37 deg C!! a few cold mornings etc.. Day 14 came (stopped Turning.) Day 17 came got 1,2 or 3 chicks Hatched~ 12 hours Later another Dozen... Starting from "50" EGGS! Around 10 started cracking & leaking, bubbling etc... Well before day 14!! Ended up with about 15 little furballs...
Plenty of Eggs still inside bator
, then saw a few late comers struggling so gave them another day... 2-3 just wouldn't come out of Shell...

THE REST? = No Pipping... So that's When All the Trouble BEGAN!~
After I kinda Rescued 2 or 3 chicks i.e. I pipped them & broke the membrane myself...
then sighhh~ Went through all the rest of No hopers! and found a couple fully developed, maybe like a Still Birth or something?.. And Much MUCH MUCH to my Happy Delight I was on one of the Last eggs, manually pipping to see if any chance and KaBOOM!
An Egg ExPLoDEd in my Hand with something similar to "Mustard Gas" from World War II...
I Reeked of Grim death... it was Absolutely Disgustinggg
, Scrubbed my Hands at least 5X's... ( BuT What I should have done? dipped myself in disinfectant Like a Cow or Sheep on the Farm!
JeeSuS!!!) Now from Practical Experience I know why ? WHY People Candle Eggs of course!!!..
I'm now a True Believer in Candling
please try it and stay healthy & clean!...

p.s. I got a healthy little colony of around 50 birds now so incubators going in the Shed for another 3 months at least...
hey brim there is a skunk remedy floats around on the web with hydrogen peroxide baking soda and washing up liquid that works pretty good as careful as I am handling wildlife as I do every now and then a skunk just has to show me who is really in charge ..............

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