Cackle hatchery???

One thing that might make the difference is the mail routes between two locations. I'm lucky to have a direct connection between my mail transfer station and the one that Cackle's orders go to, so I usually get my chicks within 36 hours of when they ship. Some peoples' orders have to jump through more hoops to get to you.
One thing that might make the difference is the mail routes between two locations. I'm lucky to have a direct connection between my mail transfer station and the one that Cackle's orders go to, so I usually get my chicks within 36 hours of when they ship. Some peoples' orders have to jump through more hoops to get to you.
That is another reason I am trying to find others besides Metzer. I live in Mississippi and Metzer is in California. I figured that is a very long way to travel for ducklings.
The feed stores here order from Cackle. I ordered specific ducks through one. They took about a day longer to arrive than they should have, but everyone made it. I can't say the shipping delay was the hatchery's fault, but did make for stressful moments.
I drove to Cackle to pick up my chicks. I'm impressed by this hatchery. You should be able to get them quickly in your location.
Good luck! Let us know how it goes!
We just got in an order from Metzer just two days ago, and we are out in South Carolina. The ducklings got here just fine even though they had to go all away across the country. They were also worth the wait - we got five Welsh Harlequins and a Silver Appleyard and they are not only healthy but sweet as can be. Metzer was the place that we kept being referred back to in our research on ducks, and we were not disappointed. I would definitely suggest them and wouldn’t worry about the distance too much. However, do check locally because you might have a small farm or hatchery operation near you. We actually found a couple places near us after we placed our order with Metzer.

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