Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?

You should do it! We've already sold 12 of ours. I put an ad on Craigslist for $2.50 each or $25 for all 12 and they were sold in just a few hours. Everything goes fast where we are so if you aren't at the store when they come in, you don't get much choice. The guy who bought them understood I didn't know what they were but I gave him the hatchery website and told him he might be able to figure it out. (I just pulled out all of the yellow and red chicks. I know 2 of them were probably Austra Whites). I'm not selling them to make a profit and he got a good deal since he didn't have to pay shipping.
We are holding onto the rest (we've lost 2 now so I believe we are at 25 and 2 turkeys) until we know more about them and who we just can't live without! One of our dogs killed 4 of our one month olds yesterday so we will be keeping more of these guys than originally planned. I'm not trying to get you into trouble...well, maybe I am...
It really has been fun. I might do it again next year.
In my area they sell better if they don't need heat anymore, so I was planning on waiting until they were about 4 weeks old before listing them, but I just built a spreadsheet to tacker all my chickens and I currently have 81 birds.
Not sure how that happened. I guess I should list some. Just got to figure out which ones I'm willing to part with.
I just realized I didn't post any pics of our crew:

4 of the reds we sold. The 2nd one was very light but still red.

2 that I believe are Austra Whites (the spots are on the other side of the front one) that we sold.

6 of the yellow ones we sold. Everything else has been in pairs so I'm sure that there are probably 3 different breeds here. 2 had a little color on their wings that were growing in. The reds were probably 2 different breeds too.

2 turkens we're keeping.

1 of our 2 turkeys.

2 polish. They are getting darker so I think they are black crested.

There are 2 of each of these. I believe they are silver laced and golden laced polish.

A couple of the little guys. I think we recieved 6 or 8 bantams. A number of our guys are tiny so I'm having a hard time telling who is a bantam and who is just small.

Another bantam. There were 4 that look like this one but 2 of them have colors that 'blend' together more so they might be a different breed.

There were 2 of these, I believe they are buttercups? We lost one this morning, I really think whatever they are we had a pullet and a roo because one had 'perfect' markings and was just prettier than the other one.

I think this is a partidge rock. Again, we have 2 of them. Their feet are dark, about as dark as their beaks but not as orange.

Sorry it's so picture heavy! There are a number of black ones. I think they are in pairs too. I'm pretty sure there are black sexlinks. I think the biggest surprise was how many were in the TINY box they sent them in! I know it's to keep them warm but it was like a clown car pulling them out...I NEVER would have guessed there were that many in there. It's our first time ordering chicks though so that's proably why I was surprised.
In my area they sell better if they don't need heat anymore, so I was planning on waiting until they were about 4 weeks old before listing them, but I just built a spreadsheet to tacker all my chickens and I currently have 81 birds.
Not sure how that happened. I guess I should list some. Just got to figure out which ones I'm willing to part with.
81 is a lot! Chicken math breaks all the rules! I never thought I would be so excited about chickens!
I was planning on also waiting till the chicks were 4 weeks old to sell a few. At the moment we have 8 adult hens and 5 EE pullet chicks. After seeing what we get in the surprise, I might sell off the EEs (they also came from Cackle). I'd like to keep our flock at under 18 adult birds.

Something that I think is handy is having a hard copy of the Cackle catalog. They have pictures of the chicks and it's easy to flip through.
I was planning on also waiting till the chicks were 4 weeks old to sell a few. At the moment we have 8 adult hens and 5 EE pullet chicks. After seeing what we get in the surprise, I might sell off the EEs (they also came from Cackle). I'd like to keep our flock at under 18 adult birds.

Something that I think is handy is having a hard copy of the Cackle catalog. They have pictures of the chicks and it's easy to flip through.
I've thought about ordering a catalog, I think it would be easier to flip through than the catalog. I'm still trying to figure out how many we'll be able to keep once we finish the shed conversion to a coop and our run. I want to keep them all but then I won't have room for more later!
I was planning on also waiting till the chicks were 4 weeks old to sell a few. At the moment we have 8 adult hens and 5 EE pullet chicks. After seeing what we get in the surprise, I might sell off the EEs (they also came from Cackle). I'd like to keep our flock at under 18 adult birds.

Something that I think is handy is having a hard copy of the Cackle catalog. They have pictures of the chicks and it's easy to flip through.

Too bad you don't live closer...I'd take your EE's in a snap. I've been looking for more EE's but not having success and since I want to keep my flock under 15, I don't want to be overrun by ordering. If the weather was nicer, I'd take a little drive to Cackle and see if I couldn't pick up some babies.

I just og t my order in on friday as did my ffa chapter and we loved it we got everything from chickens to geese. ours inculded
2 bbb
2 campbell ducks
10 guineas
3 geese
2 polish
8 silkies
5 sultans
10 rir
4 leghorns
and 20 idk wat bantams
I love it im gone order 2 more on monday for my personal flock.

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