Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?

Just because it is not on the availability list doesn't mean you won't get it... remember that the Surprise is all the extras. They stop offering a kind when they've presold a set amount, but they plan on having extras in case not as many hatch as planned. Whatever they don't need goes to the assortments, and then whatever is left after that goes for the Hatchery Surprise.

I had thought that, too, when I got my surprise. But then I thought about it, and started looking for all breeds instead of what was still listed as available, and I found quite a few that weren't on there.
Spotted-head thing is probably Lakenvelder

I think I see a Turkey -- probably broad breasted white (to the right of the turken)

What kind of comb do the red-with-spots-on-head have? Could be Buckeye.

White-with-black-spots could be Austra White or whatever it's called

Front--maybe Welsummer, brown leghorn. Looks like a turkey way in the back (head up). The yellow/white lightly-feathered-shanked bird might be a light Brahma.

Blue Cochin

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