Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?

I'm going through a 50lb bag of scratch, one of layer, and one of mixed flock every two weeks avg cost is about $16 a bag. And my birds roam the yard eating bugs and weeds. I only keep an handful of the surprise birds and I have 13 adult birds and now my ducks. I'm trying to keep my numbers around 30 or so. Though with the ducks they may be closer to 40. All the chicks that hatched minus the Seabright/silkie cross I plan to sell. The turkeys are going to be eaten but I think I will order more again next year as the two hens I got in my last surprise are so friendly and fun to have around. I generally give away the rooster unless they stand out in some way. I kept my creole old English and my bantam partridge Cochin roosters. So I now have 6? Roosters I think. My white silkie rooster hangs out in the front yard and is a hoot and my husbands fav but gets picked on by the other roosters. Sadly with most my adult hens broody or raising chicks I'm only getting 4-5 eggs a day out of all these birds but I don't mind as they are more for enjoyment then anything else.
Yeah I make a 50 lb bag of layer pellets last about a month due to the fact that I only feed them bagged feed maybe 3 days a week. The rest of the time they are on their own. Lol
When not on sale, I pay $17.99 for feed. Meatbird and/or better is $18.99. I think I was paying $21.99 for turkey starter. If I want to drive even further (nearest feed store is 30+ miles) I can find feed a bit cheaper.

I love my big chickens, but they do go through a lot of feed. I also can only do limited free ranging due to predators. The dog was the first time I've lost birds to a predator here, which stuns most locals since we have everything from skunks and weasels up to bears and cougars, never mind the constant presence of many raptor species.
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After spending a few days with my surprise, I think I have a few figured out:

2 rouen ducks
4 white crested black polish
2 Dominique
2 Delaware
1 either spitzhaben or silver hamberg
2 Plymouth Rock
2 Egyptian Famouis
4 Phoenix
1 mottled houdan
2 lakenvelder
1 buff Orpington or cherry egger
5 black sex links
And some misc. chipmunks that will reveal themselves in time.

Here are four pics of ones I can't identify. Help? Ideas?



After spending a few days with my surprise, I think I have a few figured out:

2 rouen ducks
4 white crested black polish
2 Dominique
2 Delaware
1 either spitzhaben or silver hamberg
2 Plymouth Rock
2 Egyptian Famouis
4 Phoenix
1 mottled houdan
2 lakenvelder
1 buff Orpington or cherry egger
5 black sex links
And some misc. chipmunks that will reveal themselves in time.

Here are four pics of ones I can't identify. Help? Ideas?
Easter Egger
Easter Egger
Silver Laced Wyandotte (if rose comb), kinda looking like the one in the rear has a beard, so maybe Easter Egger also
Not sure, leaning Delaware
Waiting on my shipping notice to come in my email.... Hopefully I get them weds at my local po and not have to drive into reno
How much is feed by you? I pay 15 dollars for 50 pounds. In Northern NY.

My 43 and 3 ducks went through about a bg every week and a half. My current adults go through 160 pounds every other week, which is 36 dollars for 80 pounds of corn and 80 pounds of layermash.
So I'm not too excited in how much it is going to be when the surprise are all adults.

Ask around and see what you can find. Ask the farmers. I was paying $17 for 50lbs from Tractor supply. Then a co-worker told me of a locally owned place, they had higher quality feed, $12-13 for 50lbs. Then someone told me of a place about 20 miles away, they don't advertize and you'd never know it, because it's just an old, old couple. They grow their own, $11 for 50lbs of mash, or $9 for 50lb of corn or oats or wheat or barley. Then a guy told me of another place, $17 for 100lbs of chicken feed, $10 for 100lbs of chopped corn/oats, or whole corn. I usually get some of the chicken feed and some of the chopped and mix them. This place doesn't advertise, and I'd have never have known, not even driving by the place. Although after loading those 100lb bags, I always tell myself next time I'm going to the place with 50lb bags :)
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