Cackle over McMurray???

I think the only McMurray Syndrome going around has been people ordering too early this year. The weather had stayed bad longer than normal.

I suggest that people call the various hatcheries and ask them how things are going. Personally, the older my Ideal order gets the less I'm inclined to order from there again. Just seems to be something wrong with those chickens. They just don't look as robust as others I've bought and they act weird too.

Now, since others have been having great experiences it just goes to prove that each hatchery can have good or bad shipments. No matter who you order from, you are always taking chances.


Is the little icon the pictures of your OEG from Cackle? Wow, even from such a small picture, I can tell they look AWSOME. Especially their shape and size. Wow. Do you have bigger blown up pictures? I am so tempted to order from Cackle just for THAT!

: )

- Tommy
Hi everyone. I'm new and have been reading everyone's post for a couple of weeks. This forum is so informative. Thank you all for the information that you post.

Well, I decided to break the ice and jump in on this post. I ordered from Cackle about
2 1/2 weeks ago. I ordered 25 bantams (variety). During the week that the bantams were delivered the temp in South Louisiana was down to 54 degrees. I was so worried that all of them would be dead because of the temp. Well to my surprise, when the Post Office called me at 4:38AM (yes, you read the time right)
, I jumped out of bed and went to pick them up. As the Post Office employee stood next to me as I opened the box, to my surprise only 1 chic was dead. It looked as if he was too, too small to have survived. It looks like they trampled him (poor baby). Also to my surpise, they sent a total of 31 (including the dead chic). So all in all, I received 30 live chics and I only ordered 25. To date NO chics have died. I have all survivors. All are healthy and growing beautiful. So, I say that to say, that I have had no problem with Cackle. Hope that helps.

Thats really good. Got 30 from an order of only 25. Do you have pictures of the little fellas? : )

I would like to see how they turn out. Hehe

- Tommy
I go to an monthly small animal auction. I saw a trio of birds that I just had to have. They were an old mans "ex" show birds. I bought them and raised a whole lot of chicks from the trio. By fall I resold the trio and tripled my money. The chicks brought about 100.00. I sold them in pairs and trios and a group of about 8 cockerls. Since then a lot of people have come up to me wanting more. This buying and selling bantams is just my hobby. He was a beautiful rooster. I guess I should have kept him.
The chicks I ordered from Cackle last year are beautiful birds now and very healthy. The Buff Cochin chicks I got last year, out of 2, one turned out to be a roo that as an adult bird had the nastiest poo in the world, had it checked by a vet and fecal was neg. Very healthy bird in every other way, gave him to a large farm, the other cochin chick was failure to thrive, had pasting, wouldn't eat even though pasting problem was attended to and had to be put down. Makes me wonder if the Buff Cochin breeding stock had some gastroentestinal issues. I would definately order from them again but not Buff Cochins.
I didn't keep any birds from them. He was a nice roo. He and the hens were very small and didn't weigh a thing.

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