Calcium-rich foods besides oyster shell and eggshells?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 29, 2011
Just South of Mason-Dixon Line
Two of my chickens are laying soft-shelled eggs. I've heard that upping calcium can help. I've tried giving them a bowl of oyster shell, mixing oyster shell in their feed, and scattering oyster shell in their run. No dice. They just turn their beaks up at it. I know I could grind up eggshells and add to their feed, but I was hoping for other options.

So far I've been tossing in cubes of cheese. Any other ideas?
I buy liquid calcium from the Rite Aid, CVS, Walgreens, whatever pharmacy is near you and I add it to their water a couple of times per week. I buy the berry flavor and they seem to like it.
I have also heard that giving them a really fatty piece of meat to peck at helps with the eggs and laying for the hen.
Most dairy products (Cheese, Cottage Cheese, Yogurt, Sour Cream. Mine especially prefer the yogurt.) If you'd prefer greens, try kale, broccoli, water cress, or bok choy.
Almonds and sardines help too, although the sardines will make the eggs taste fishy.

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