Cali’s flock!

Hey @CaliFarmsAR! How are your ducks doing? Do you know some good colors of Indian runners that would breed with fawn and white runner drakes? I am getting some hens soon to breed to my two drakes. I am definitely getting a black and white one but I don't know about another color!
My ducks are doing great! I have been pretty busy so haven’t had time to post my runners 😞

Blue is one of my favorites to breed with a fawn and white drake! The duck late usually blue Bibbed!!!
Here's a couple of them!
and also, I got two silkie hens at a poultry show!
This is Faith! She is from our very first flock and will be 6 years old soon!! Her and Diner have a thing for each other!! (Sorry I’m posting them one at a time, my stuff is loading very slowly, so it’s easier to do it like this)!

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