California - Northern

How was the Heirloom Festival today?  We are headed there tomorrow!  Is anyone else planning on being there?  I am looking forward to having a slice of pink apple pie! :)

Hi Debi!
Walt was endlessly patient with all of us and our never-ending questions while he was judging. (Thank you, Walt!). Weather gorgeous, great displays, lots of chicken talk...a great day overall! Dawn
I haven't been on this site for a long time. We were in the Placerville/Pollock Pines area and moved down to Mountain Ranch out of San Andreas. We had no internet. Now we are moving to Pioneer, CA. about 3100 altitude, about 20 min. from Jackson, CA. I am happy to be back in the foothills again, but mostly to have internet to read all the news on Back Yard Chicken. Unfortunately, I can have only 10 chickens at this place, but I am happy to have some. I would like to rid 3 of my non laying chickens to get some young eggs layers. Maybe next spring there will be someone in the Jackson area that would sell 2 EE chicks or pullets. It's nice to be back here.
welcome back on. I hope everything is working out for the best

Is this the stuff to get for disinfecting and dipping eggs?
yes that is the stuff. a little goes a long way. I use 2 caps per gallon to clean things

We never do....

haha. there is always something to give away.
I have a few pullets for sale if anyone is interested.
2 brown red ameraucana hens. not much red so I am selling these to a person that wants blue eggs.
I also have a few crele penedesenca and white empordanesa.
on the Empordanesa i have 2 pairs I will sell

just pm me if you are interested
BYC is having issues. I had wanted to post comments with each bird but the photos are not coming up with quotes.

First, there is a keel issue that I learned about from Deann.

This is where the keel is not nice and straight, it can curve both sideways and up/down. One should turn the chickens over and feel for this fault. I think it would be best to have an expert to show you what to look for. I can't quite figure it out on my own. I don't know if bumps are bad or normal. I do know a sideways curve is bad and would cull (from the breeding flock) any bird that had this problem.

Second, the comb is an issue more in the states than in the UK. The UK standards recognizes that the crest will cause a wonky comb whereas the US likes a more upright comb. It's a significant difference and almost not fair to the US CLB keepers to have to breed out a trait that the UK allows in their exhibition birds. Here is a link to the latest SOP draft for US CLB.

Third, color - I wouldn't choose Butterscotch because he is too colorful already.

Finally - if you are using the birds for your own cross, don't worry about SOP. Base your choice solely on personality. Always breed friendliness into your birds. If you are selling them for back yard egg layers, the friendly factor is far more important than the comb type.
Great info, Thanks! - And the Friendly factor is huge in my opinion! Don't care how "perfect" the bird is, if it's mean, it's gotta go.

I haven't been on this site for a long time. We were in the Placerville/Pollock Pines area and moved down to Mountain Ranch out of San Andreas. We had no internet. Now we are moving to Pioneer, CA. about 3100 altitude, about 20 min. from Jackson, CA. I am happy to be back in the foothills again, but mostly to have internet to read all the news on Back Yard Chicken. Unfortunately, I can have only 10 chickens at this place, but I am happy to have some. I would like to rid 3 of my non laying chickens to get some young eggs layers. Maybe next spring there will be someone in the Jackson area that would sell 2 EE chicks or pullets. It's nice to be back here.
Welcome back!

Coop arrives on Oct 23rd!

Ten English BBS Orp chicks ordered from @Papa Brooder for delivery post Oct 14th when I get back from helping shut my friend's house at Huntington Lake (if anyone is looking for an English Orp BBS rooster, let me know, as odds are I'll end up with several that need rehoming).

Laying in brooder supplies now ...

RIDICULOUSLY excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats! and we will, of course, need lots of pictures.

I bet it is quite a concert!

I am just starting out and not sure if this is the right board or not. I live in the Central Valley area. If not I would appreciate it if you could point me to the right regional board for my area. I am trying to find some local chicks or pullets in my area and would appreciate any advice. Thanks in advance.

Hi and Welcome!

This is the busiest thread for our area so you are at the right place.

What are you looking for?
What Ron said! Everyone here is so very helpful, feel free to ask lots of questions.

I want a showgirl. I just don't have enough room in my flock for all the birds that I want.
Never enough room...

How was the Heirloom Festival today? We are headed there tomorrow! Is anyone else planning on being there? I am looking forward to having a slice of pink apple pie!

Hi Debi!
Walt was endlessly patient with all of us and our never-ending questions while he was judging. (Thank you, Walt!). Weather gorgeous, great displays, lots of chicken talk...a great day overall! Dawn
Sounds like a blast! We hope to make it down next year.
Good Morning all. while checking my broody nest to see if there were eggs there that didn't belong, I dropped an egg on one of the EE eggs that I am estimating are about on day 16. The EE egg cracked and is seeping a little but I stuck it in the incubator just in case. Is there any hope? It has a dime size spider crack and a thin crack running about half way around. I candled it and could see the chick in there but no movement. Is it a goner?
On the legbars... it is really hard to find a good rooster! I actually was hoping to get one with more cream so I ended up getting 3 orders of chicks from GFF and one order from another breeder. I grew out literally like 40 cockerels which are now 4-5 months old.... guess how many I liked? Maybe 1. I still think that my original roos that I kept from the first line are by far the best as far as type but not loving the coloring. I DO have ONE Rees legbar male that is showing promise though... fingers crossed. The upside is I actually really like quite a few of the girls and I can see if I keep my best 5-6 girls that are def creme and put with the rees legbar cockerel, they could produce some really nice offspring. :) Then I will keep the 1 other cockerel and hopefully will have some great looking birds by spring.
Good Morning all. while checking my broody nest to see if there were eggs there that didn't belong, I dropped an egg on one of the EE eggs that I am estimating are about on day 16. The EE egg cracked and is seeping a little but I stuck it in the incubator just in case. Is there any hope? It has a dime size spider crack and a thin crack running about half way around. I candled it and could see the chick in there but no movement. Is it a goner?
Seal up the crack with wax.

It is worth a shot. the drop should not have hurt the chick at that age.
On the legbars... it is really hard to find a good rooster! I actually was hoping to get one with more cream so I ended up getting 3 orders of chicks from GFF and one order from another breeder. I grew out literally like 40 cockerels which are now 4-5 months old.... guess how many I liked? Maybe 1. I still think that my original roos that I kept from the first line are by far the best as far as type but not loving the coloring. I DO have ONE Rees legbar male that is showing promise though... fingers crossed. The upside is I actually really like quite a few of the girls and I can see if I keep my best 5-6 girls that are def creme and put with the rees legbar cockerel, they could produce some really nice offspring. :) Then I will keep the 1 other cockerel and hopefully will have some great looking birds by spring.
Are you part of the APA SOP acceptance work group?

Your best bet is to partner with someone that is working towards sop and share your best each year or so. That way someone with better color can benefit from the better type you have and vise verse.
I am just starting out and not sure if this is the right board or not. I live in the Central Valley area. If not I would appreciate it if you could point me to the right regional board for my area. I am trying to find some local chicks or pullets in my area and would appreciate any advice. Thanks in advance.

Hello, this is a great thread for the Central Valley. I'm in Modesto and feel right at home here


Sometimes I hatch and grow out birds to sell. Friday and Saturday I will be selling a bunch of pullets @ point of lay. If you are interested, PM me.
On the legbars... it is really hard to find a good rooster! I actually was hoping to get one with more cream so I ended up getting 3 orders of chicks from GFF and one order from another breeder. I grew out literally like 40 cockerels which are now 4-5 months old.... guess how many I liked? Maybe 1. I still think that my original roos that I kept from the first line are by far the best as far as type but not loving the coloring. I DO have ONE Rees legbar male that is showing promise though... fingers crossed. The upside is I actually really like quite a few of the girls and I can see if I keep my best 5-6 girls that are def creme and put with the rees legbar cockerel, they could produce some really nice offspring. :) Then I will keep the 1 other cockerel and hopefully will have some great looking birds by spring.
I have a Reese cockerel and hens from another breeder. There are 2 very different colors of cockerels coming out of my quad. I will be growing out a bunch this winter to select next years boy. I've taken about 30 to the auction so far this year and a couple I had reservations about sending. I should have kept them. Anyway, we should share photos next spring of the ones we kept. I'd love to learn from other people. The CLB thread on BYC isn't very busy.

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