California - Northern

Nice Eggs!

I would not think it is an orpington egg though. Do you have any sexlink chickens?

Sexlink - hmmm, like crested cream legbar? I have 1 of them but she lays a bluish egg.
Maybe it was my turken. The color is correct. She's 4 or 5 yrs old.
Or maybe the Langshan? I don't remember what color she lays but they've been big.
I've never had a double-yolker from my flock that I knew of.
I sell about half my eggs a year but I've asked people to tell if they get one & so far, not.
I've never had an egg bigger than 80 grams either.
Sexlink - hmmm, like crested cream legbar? I have 1 of them but she lays a bluish egg.
Maybe it was my turken. The color is correct. She's 4 or 5 yrs old.
Or maybe the Langshan? I don't remember what color she lays but they've been big.
I've never had a double-yolker from my flock that I knew of.
I sell about half my eggs a year but I've asked people to tell if they get one & so far, not.
I've never had an egg bigger than 80 grams either.

That is a huge egg!

I have had double yolked eggs on a regular basis from a Golden Comet. Other than that, new to laying pullets have laid a couple and then went back to laying regular eggs.

I hope the poor girls is ok. Big eggs can be hard on them.
lol, at least my birds mostly limit themselves to digging in the shade... or in my potted plants if they get a chance.
My orps are big diggers, they are too good for the dustbaths I provide and like to dig their own, or to dig down to cool/damp earth in the summer heat.

Also, at long last, I got my first Marans egg! Very spotty, a good size for a pullet egg. It'll be interesting to see what I get when the color levels out some.

Left- pale EE. Center- Marans pullet. Right- from a hen hatched from Trader Joe's white eggs. Bottom- a quail double-yolker.

Looking forward to seeing a bunch of you at the show this weekend!

Me too!!!

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