California - Northern

hi there just found this post after being a member for about six months... was curious if anyones near lake co? everyones chickens are great looking!! makes me want to widen my variety in breeds!

Welcome! We do have a member in Lake County but I can't recall who.

Thinking of everyone there in the fire area. My son's school is collecting clothing for those affected by the fire.
Welcome!  We do have a member in Lake County but I can't recall who. 

Thinking of everyone there in the fire area.  My son's school is collecting clothing for those affected by the fire.

yes the fires have put out alot of families and animals from their homes. thankfully our community and others surrounding us are really coming together to help everyone out! everyone has been soo helpful! i know that everything helps and everyone is donating anything they can beds clothes food school supplies. its amazing what can happen when everyone helps alittle!
wow, alot going on here. My 4 layers are molting and they have stopped laying. My 4 month old ornamental layers are not laying, well one is
she is lakenvelder but her eggs are tiny. My ornamental layers are flying all over the place. I lost one last night but found this morning in the field next door. If they fly out into the dog yard they become a dog toy that does not survive. I have cut their wings back so much but they still enjoy flying. They are very racy birds light and flighty. I wish I hadn't ordered them.I like my big fat hens that are content to lay, lay, lay.

I did make my own Luv Nest herbal additive for my birds. I don't know if they like it but I love it. It is so expensive so I just order bags of the different herbs and made up my own.

I also went to Modesto Milling and bought their feed. It is wonderful. I love it. It feels good to buy good feed for my birds. I just dont like the big companies like Purina.

I also saw a large wooden crate by the Costco dumpster so I had my husband go get it. He found a chicken coop in the dumpster that someone had returned. He got that also. What would be the best way to clean it? Scrub it with a bleach solution?

Any way like i said alot going on here. I have a litter of puppies that are 5 weeks and they take up alot of my time.
It's been a while since I've been on but now I need a favor. Anyone have feather color genetics they can tell me about? I need to know for my biology class. We are getting dna(feathers in my case) from different birds and looking under a microscope at the color genetics and all that but I need like a genetic feather color chart if that makes sense. Like what is dominant and recessive, etc
The only time I have a bird with a problem other than mites which I dust for them, is a turkey that looked like it had a cold because of mucus coming from it's nostril's, I consulted our local vet and it was a sinuous infection. Didn't know birds got that sort of thing. Vet said to cut off his head and the rest is good to eat and boy he was!
I had 5 button quail hatch today. Here are the first 3...
They are so cute:)
It's been a while since I've been on but now I need a favor. Anyone have feather color genetics they can tell me about? I need to know for my biology class. We are getting dna(feathers in my case) from different birds and looking under a microscope at the color genetics and all that but I need like a genetic feather color chart if that makes sense. Like what is dominant and recessive, etc
Hi hope the Biology Class goes well!

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