CALIFORNIA The Whole State thread

My wc blue Polish was Best Of Show in the open poultry show last year. We didn't show this year due to my health issues.
Sarah how ARE you feeling?
I was there till 1am when I went Saturday and I never even got to the barns and exhibits.
Aww that sux. They open the poultry department at 7am and close at 10pm :/ I have some chickens in there right now, went in saturday for FFA, im letting some students borrow mine. i have more going in at 8am tomorrow for open show that me and my friend are showing.

right now i have a blue cochin bantam cockerel in there (got DQ for vulture halks)
a gold laced cochin bantam cockerel( DQ for Vulture halks)
a White cochin bantam hen (got 5th)
3 Buff orps ( 3rd, 4th, 5th place)
RIR bantam (DQ for age)
a Mille Fluer Deuccle (2nd place)
a dark brahma (6th place)

These were all hatchery birds i picked up. The FFA students wanted to show them for the fun and experience so i let them. I knew they wernt going to do well but they wanted to anyway. They are under Denair FFA

tomorrow i have better birds going in
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Yes, Sara....I forgot to ask Sunday.


Thanks Kim and Walt for asking. I am happy to report they have my pain under control now (only took 6 months). I take Morphine twice a day. I am finally able to actually continue a normal life.
I go back Monday to see the pain doctor to talk about a new plan since the injections didn't work. I think he said it could take a few times for it to help.
He mentioned placing a metal rod in my hip to secure my SI joint. I'm so scared of surgery. I don't really have time to recover from that. That's last resort (and my worst fear).

I'm planning on going back to work August 1st. I only work 7:30-1 so I'm hoping I can handle that. My two girls are leaving for Disneyland with my parents on Monday. There is no way I could walk 12 hours a day for 5 days and I REFUSE to ride in a wheelchair. I don't want the kids to remember a trip with their 37 year old mom in a wheelchair. They will have a blast! I'm a little anxious since I have never been away from them that long.
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Quote: Sara, I'm glad you're getting some relief. I know surgery is scary but at least there's a chance to eventually get relief without such big pain meds. I'm 4 months post-op my two surgeries and while recovery is s l o w , I'm so much better then I was prior surgery. You're still such a young person to not have quality of life. I'm 51 and felt I was too young to be living like I was.

How exciting for your girls to go to Disneyland. I know it's hard to miss it but maybe you can take the time they're gone to be lazy, get a pedicure, have a massage....just relax.
Just popping in for a minute. My SIL is having surgery tomorrow and I'm taking him to the surgical center. Thought I'd better dig up more of the yard today.

I let the big feed I have out in the yard go completely empty, so I could wash it out and let it dry over night. I went out and you would have thought every bird in the yard was starving. Even the penned birds got excited when I was filling it. So I went to grab waterers from the rabbit cages and when I was walking back to the hose something caught my eye. Birds were all over the place and moving eachother around. But one was a bird that wasn't out there yesterday. MY SPPR! I have no idea where she's been hiding. I put a CL ad out to find her, but she's been out there the whole time. Where I have no idea. I kept an eye on here all the way up until I had to go into the dog run and when I came out she is MIA again. But she's here! I am so relieved. She looks a little thin compared to the others, so maybe she had just been sneaking out to eat and had been chased off, or she just decided today was the day to join the flock, but she spent a lot of time at the feeder and waterer and walked through the tub I have out that they can drink from or cool off in. She looks fine otherwise. So happy she's back.

OK, I'm off to grab a hoe and shovel and dig out this poor excuse for lawn.

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