CALIFORNIA The Whole State thread

I've been MIA cause, well..........I really am addicted to the Olympics. I'm even watching it AGAIN right now.

The coverage has been really good this year, hasn't it? I like that the Sports Networks are doing their share of covering it...a lot of it live if you're up early enough. I was just thrilled to watch the cross-country eventing for the equestrians.... What a magnificent course they had! (Jumping over chess tables and through half moons....really fanciful and really green)

Saw a bit of the fencing, too, which normally isn't covered. S. Korea's female Gold'er was fierce and scary! My cousin's kid's husband is on the U.S. Track Team this year and for all his dedication, I hope they do well! (they were married last year and have spent a goodly part of their first newlywed year apart as she finishes school and he trains). It -- all of it -- is really impressive!

But, of course, all this pales in comparison to ......


(which starts next Sunday!)

Shark Week and swimming chickens is probably not a good mix......
Looks like I'll be trying to find a Silver Pheonix roo. I found mine laying in the pen a few minutes ago. I don't know how old he was, but bought him at the Stockton show last January. These hens don't lay much and I had a hard time getting them to hatch and lost ever chick before they were just over 2 weeks old, from every hatch. I had planned to hatch as many as possible and brood them together from now on, but that's futile at this point. I'd never even gotten pics of him and his long beautiful tail. Everyone else seems fine, they all have lots of water. He's just gone. I had hoped to add at least 2 more trios of them through these birds and now, it's like having none without a rooster. :(


This was on CL the other day. They may have what you need.

Sorry to hear about your rooster,
The coverage has been really good this year, hasn't it? I like that the Sports Networks are doing their share of covering it...a lot of it live if you're up early enough. I was just thrilled to watch the cross-country eventing for the equestrians.... What a magnificent course they had! (Jumping over chess tables and through half moons....really fanciful and really green)

Saw a bit of the fencing, too, which normally isn't covered. S. Korea's female Gold'er was fierce and scary! My cousin's kid's husband is on the U.S. Track Team this year and for all his dedication, I hope they do well! (they were married last year and have spent a goodly part of their first newlywed year apart as she finishes school and he trains). It -- all of it -- is really impressive!

But, of course, all this pales in comparison to ......


(which starts next Sunday!)
I turned off my TV to go to my daughter's house warming party yesterday. First time since the Opening Ceremony. I'm bad. Oh but when I got home I couldn't get the cable and the TV to cooperate with me and actually started panicing! <y son's friend just stood back with his eyes wide ipen and Dakotah laughed and told him I crazy when O;ypics are on. The his friend asked if I was the same way with the Winter Olympics and I just looked at him and said "WELL DUH!!!!" He cracked up. I love the equesrian events. Some years they only show a few minutes, so I was so happy to be able to see them this year. Yeah they're doing a great job. Hope you're cousin's family SIL kicks some booty. That would be great for them. Here's hoping.

Sharks are favorites here too, even though foorball takes first place...........GO RAIDERS! LOL Still, none of that compares to my olympics. Heck I barely notice the kids!

Oh Jules! .................Now I need to find someone coming from that direction to bring them to me. Thanks for the link! Gotta figure this one out! OMG I could have chicks and still find a mature roo...........haha
Started a thread on edit options and saw a thread that states they close down after a while. I asked if there was a way to change that or if I have to start a whole new thread.
So now each time I update the first post I have to go through a staff member. If you look at the first post, there's no way they are going to want to do this correctly. Plus I'm not sure how I will add more information and sections now without doing it myself. Thought that first post was a good idea and as usual, shot to heck
Why is it everything I try fails lately? Wish there was something else I could do, but maybe I need to start a second thread and do the same thing until I can't do it anymore and then start another.
Is it possible to have a complete update post starting now?
Maybe copy & paste your first post now & then have the staff member post in bold on your first post: WELCOME TO CALI THREAD (or whatever you want as a greeting) UPDATED LIST ON PAGE 298

Then you can edit it as often as you need & when that won't let you anymore,have staff change the first post to UPDATED LIST ON PAGE 395 (or whatever page we're on by then)

I don't know,it's just an idea.

& P.S. You're not failing at this,it's just the site set-up that's failing you!
She is cuter than cute (unless of course she turned into a demon child in the last 30 seconds and throttled a chick). My internet connection makes videos stop to rebuffer every 3-4 seconds. After 2.5 minutes in, I couldn't stand it any longer.


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