CALIFORNIA The Whole State thread

Nothing scarier to people than to think they have a muzzle on so they don't maul people. It's rediculous and we're making sure he goes where he'll be well trained and it constantly socialized.
She would not bite but I thought it would make people less scared of her. Boy was I wrong!

She was a real sweet dog.
They were bred to be family dogs and used to be on the top of best breeds for children, but just to poor of breeding and people who don't know you have to train a dog. It's like people with tiny dogs that don't train them. agggg...Just because they're tiny doesn't mean they get to bite and act like psyhcos...It's something that all the years I trained, drove me so crazy. Dogs need to be socialized. Some of the sweetest dogs I've ever been around were Pitts. Dec 8th 2011 my Cane Corso and I were attacked by a Pitt, that is still out there running the streets. Poor Isis hasn't comletely come out of that. Tore her up pretty bad, but NO ONE does anything with that dog and they let it run. AC said "Oh, we can't find it." Even the times I sat in my car on my phone for them to come pick her up. I'd like to find her home, but she runs is different directipns every time. Don't wanr Cash going to anyone like that dog's owner.
Quote: He's very cute....................and as Ron said, all puppies are cute.

But I have four large house dogs now....................a puppy would NOT sweeten the deal, LOL.

Although, I'll admit that about six months ago I burst into tears when I realized that at my age, I would only truly have no more than another handful of dogs in my lifetime (after natural attrition, I'll never do four dogs at once again). In my younger years when I was showing, I had as many as six at a time, not counting puppies. But I'm to the stage it gets to be too much when my "pack" has to accompany me EVERYWHERE, even to go pee!


He's very cute....................and as Ron said, all puppies are cute.

But I have four large house dogs now....................a puppy would NOT sweeten the deal, LOL.

Although, I'll admit that about six months ago I burst into tears when I realized that at my age, I would only truly have no more than another handful of dogs in my lifetime (after natural attrition, I'll never do four dogs at once again). In my younger years when I was showing, I had as many as six at a time, not counting puppies. But I'm to the stage it gets to be too much when my "pack" has to accompany me EVERYWHERE, even to go pee!


I hear ya. I have a Cane Corso and a GSD right now. I started showing in Showmanship when I was 12. The largest number of dogs I owned at one time was 43. I had a huge facility. Then my 2 oldest got biug enough that I need to spend more time with them when I wasn't at my job, but I had handlers and help with the dog from some kids in JR Showmanship. They earned their show dogs that way. It was also expensive, so I sold almost everything to my uncle who owned it for another 15 yrs. My favorite dogs went with me. Back them it was GSDs and Dobies. Long story about the Dobies. But I had been studying Rotties and that's the last breed I showed and raised. My oldest boy Abbaddon was 14 when he died a few years ago, but I had 12 Rotties at home at one time before a few went to co-owners. I keep looking at my girl Isis and although I would like to show again, IDK......Isis is 8 and greying and I don't want her to feel replaced, but she helps me train, so I'm going to get another Corso, before to long, so she can help.
Ok I really need to rehome the guineas. So thought I 'd get back on track. I have a lavender and 2 lavender pearls.
Thank you Liz!

OK, I need more space, so if someone is interested in 3 Guineas, please let me know. I don't want to give them up I just need space for my other birds. I'll throw in a Pitt puppy...........LOL

I know someone in Oroville that wants Guineas. How much are you asking for them? Without the pup.
OK now cages.I have a cage that is able to be sections of into 4 breeding areas. Two levels with a wood frame. I also have one that's devided into 2 rabbits pens, so more of a hutch. They're cheap cause I don't feel like cleaning them out and they've been sitting, They could use some paint and the hutch has a 4x4 led that has been cut away a bit but still holds it up. I don't feel like doing the work, but I have 2 does in there that will be vacating soon.
Going through the yard. I have an EE cockerel that's from the lav egg project, but I don't want pea combs, so he's going. I also have one from the same project with a small single comb. He's about 3 1/2 or 4 months old. Also 2 trios of Coturnix that are going cheap. The cockerels I will give away.
Just curious why you don't want pea combs? I would have thought they needed the pea comb to carry the blue egg gene part of the lavender coloring. Sorry I have to pic your brain now just in case I ever decide to try a similar project (way, way in the future). Sure wish I could take on a lavender egg project bird now but don't have the time or $ to set up even more breeding pens. I still have to finish the ones I started here.

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