CALIFORNIA The Whole State thread

Big Bird has a very small, weird comb. Kind of in the middle of having a pea/straight. The hens that give the lavender has all had a tiny straight comb and if I use the pea and it's not a pure Ameraucana, I get just whatever.
ugggghhh Didn't finish. I do have one with a pea and I'm going to work with him and the single combs that lay the lavender eggs and see how he does. He's a brother to 2 of them and is from my Lav AM roo. The Lav AM came from a really blue egg, so I'm hopign since he's definately Big Bird's chick that he'll throw the lav egg. I lost 3 of my hens, so I'm trying to get Big Bird, Lavern and Lettie to get along. Lavern clobbers them when I pen them together with Ambrose, so once I have the pen done that I need for some other birds, I'm going to let just them free range for a few days and see if that helps. Right now my 2 girls are with the Wellie and Marans roos. That's why I'm getting rid of things. I just have no place to put in what I need until I do. I also have a pair of bantams that I didn't get good pics of, but I'll post them later and see if anyone can see them well enough to tell me what they are. They're blue with feathered shanks, but I'm not sure what they heck I ended up with.
I'm posting these horrible pics to see if anyone can help me identify a breed. These birds are bantams with feathered shanks and lay a cream to pinkish egg. I bought several birds and when I drove ALL THE WAY HOME, I had this pair and they were not the birds I went for.

Darn it. The site is only letting me post one pic!
Big Bird has a very small, weird comb. Kind of in the middle of having a pea/straight. The hens that give the lavender has all had a tiny straight comb and if I use the pea and it's not a pure Ameraucana, I get just whatever.

It is a combination comb!

My Dorking EE has one like that and lays a nice green eggs:

It's pea, but if you look close, it's like she has this tiny single comb on top. I've taken pics, but the single never shows. I'll see if I have a pic of her somewhere.
OK I can't find the ones I was looking for, but the single shows in this one. I know it's not very good, but do you see how it looks single but flatter on the sides like a pea. Anyway, this one is much better at showing the middle than what I thought I had. I need to take more pics of her. She was the last hatch Bill and I did together. I need more of her.

^^^^^^ Big Bird
OK I can't find the ones I was looking for, but the single shows in this one. I know it's not very good, but do you see how it looks single but flatter on the sides like a pea. Anyway, this one is much better at showing the middle than what I thought I had. I need to take more pics of her. She was the last hatch Bill and I did together. I need more of her.

^^^^^^ Big Bird

Editor problems--I am posting here. At the top right is a Telescop Pea Comb. Also, the Sumatra Pea Comb may be what you are looking for. There are a lot of Pea comb types!
The single and pea on the left!!!

Oh and I know what my blue bantams are now. I had to take the eggs away from the Maranas eggs to realize they are light brown. LOL I posted on California Poultry People and at the exact time I was asking I got a comment and I had found out correctly!!!!! Yeah me!!! They are Bantam Langshun!!! A breeder let me know. LOL

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