CALIFORNIA The Whole State thread

Not so well here. We have a lot of erosion damage from the storm and our peafowl coop was blown completely over and is now sitting on it's roof (this is a very heavy 8x8x8 coop). The coop split open when it flipped, killing one of the peacocks. The rest escaped but we found them and now have them in a temporary coop until we can get theirs fixed. My Dad says the front yard looks like the start of a mini grand canyon (IDK about that but it doesn't look good) in several places and the driveway has washed out at the top so we are having to take it very slow when we cross this area. Can't get the washed out areas fixed until things dry out. Right now bringing in any tractor would just collapse the whole area. This is where we drive and park so we need to avoid any further damage.
I kinda expected some of this since the top of the drive had no culvert and the road is trenched on either side. Didn't take a genius to see that rainwater would have no where to go except over the driveway. The berm that is collapsing had nothing to keep it from sliding during a storm but the amount of rain we got during this storm is almost unheard of in these parts. This is high desert and our annual rainfall averages 8" a year and this time of year it would usually snow, not rain. Heavy rains combined with our sandy soil made for a bad combination.
Geez Sunny! I'm so sorry! This a rental right? Has the landlord looked at it? I hope so. I haven't seen my landlords or heard from them since 3 weeks after we moved in and Bill was still alive. I'm just lucky I found the payment info after he died. I've decided I'm done with fixing too much here. I'm going to do just enough and hopefully still be able to find my own dump to fix up. Please be careful! Don't know how strong your winds were. I had 55mph I think and my backyard has a cyclone fence and no wind brakes at all and those little hoop coops held like champs. A metal bed frame I used to hold a tarp down from the rabbits was at least 4 ft away from the cages. The regular shaped units got hit pretty hard. Hope they stay safe for a long time. I'm really really sorry about your Pea!!! I'm glad you found the others though.

I bought the last 4 bags of sand at HD today. They said they'd have more in about an hour, but I haven't even broken these open. Thought I was gonna die lifting the first bag onto the cart and had to have one of the guys there load the last 3 and get them in my truck. I used to be able to press 180 lbs. I'm pathetic with a #60 bag of sand! LOL All these bags are for the dog run. I'm going back to get 6 more for them, just to be safe and several to fill the coops. I did buy some supplies for feeders to.I overfed last time, but if I can't get up for longer than this time, I'd hate to think what would happen.

Everyone else doing OK? Looks like Sunny and myself are the onlyest ones checking in!!!??? Let us know how you guys are.
My store got flooded as well as the dance studio who rents from us. And our sons house that he and his family just moved out of, into a new house, had a huge tree fall on it!



Sunny, so sorry about the Peacock. Those poor birds must have been terrified! We have a coop the same size and I can't imagine it turning upside down!
My store got flooded as well as the dance studio who rents from us. And our sons house that he and his family just moved out of, into a new house, had a huge tree fall on it!

Sunny, so sorry about the Peacock. Those poor birds must have been terrified! We have a coop the same size and I can't imagine it turning upside down!
Geez Sunny! I'm so sorry! This a rental right? Has the landlord looked at it? I hope so.

Not yet. The owner's parents manage it for him but his love of ripping things up with his huge tractor are a major part of the problem. I want that berm to dry out before he comes in here with that heavy tractor. Right now the whole thing would give way and I'm afraid he would try to do it anyway. We have a small tractor with a dragger on it so I can move some dirt around to temporarily fill in the worst spots that we have to drive over. We had wind gusts up to 100mph. I was just saying to Steve yesterday how we used to think 55mph winds were a lot!

My store got flooded as well as the dance studio who rents from us. And our sons house that he and his family just moved out of, into a new house, had a huge tree fall on it!



Sunny, so sorry about the Peacock. Those poor birds must have been terrified! We have a coop the same size and I can't imagine it turning upside down!

Thanks Pam. Oh Man! That huge tree falling on the house must have caused quite a bit of damage! Is everyone OK? Glad your son and his family weren't there.

So sorry your store and the studio you rent out got flooded! :(
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2 of our coops flooded, so I had chickens in the mudroom for 4 days. But all is well now. Of course it just started raining again, but its just a steady gentle rain nothing amazing, so we should be fine. Right now I'm happy I live on a hill! The soil is still very wet out there however, so I have been having some trouble getting around and have landed on my butt several times. Luckily I have padding.

Sorry about you hill trying to fall down, that's awful! I will think good thoughts about it stabilizing enough to fix.

BDM, Those pictures still scare me, I have taken it right to heart, no trees above my house again, they can stay down the hill.

Wt, sorry you have been feeling poorly. I hope you get soon energy soon, I know you have a lot of people ( not to mention animals) and that always makes being sick super tough.

Hope the new rain doesn't make anything worse for everyone. If its to us I assume it is past the part of he state that got worse.
2 of our coops flooded, so I had chickens in the mudroom for 4 days. But all is well now. Of course it just started raining again, but its just a steady gentle rain nothing amazing, so we should be fine. Right now I'm happy I live on a hill! The soil is still very wet out there however, so I have been having some trouble getting around and have landed on my butt several times. Luckily I have padding.

Sorry about you hill trying to fall down, that's awful! I will think good thoughts about it stabilizing enough to fix.

BDM, Those pictures still scare me, I have taken it right to heart, no trees above my house again, they can stay down the hill.

Wt, sorry you have been feeling poorly. I hope you get soon energy soon, I know you have a lot of people ( not to mention animals) and that always makes being sick super tough.

Hope the new rain doesn't make anything worse for everyone. If its to us I assume it is past the part of he state that got worse.
Sorry about your coops flooding! We are from San Jose and flooding there is pretty unusual except for a few low areas. You'd think it would flood there a whole lot more often since it is not that much above sea level. Hope the rain eases up for you all for a while.

Well we got a lot of work done yesterday and most of the eroded areas have now been filled in. This next storm, due in Wednesday, will be a colder storm so we are expecting snow instead of rain. That is very good news since the snow melts slowly and doesn't cause the gully washers we got from this last round of storms.

I have to brag... I am getting pretty good on my little old tractor that Hubby just bought for me last month. I did get stuck once and it was a little embarrassing when the neighbor came by to point out how easily it could be driven out once the dragger was free to spin up and over the mound of wet dirt I'd packed in it. I dropped into one of the gullies I was trying to fill and could not get out no matter how much digging DH did! I felt like such a city girl when the neighbor pulled the top pin and I was able to drive forward easily! DUH. The dragger then just pivoted right over the 300 lbs of wet sandy dirt I'd built up and I easily drove the tractor out. This made me realize that I needed a new technique so I then started dumping loads of dirt close to the eroded areas then backing into the piles with the dragger lowered and shoving them into the gullies without taking anymore chance of falling in (if I'd fallen into one of the bigger ones it would have been a disaster!). DH was quite impressed at how efficient I got at it after a bit of practice. I love my new tractor (well new to me anyway, it's a 1950 Ford 8N).

Deb! We have pips!!!

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