CALIFORNIA The Whole State thread

I don't see a pip, but I hear some peeping going on in there. Maybe I should just walk away and check later.

Like Kim "it hurts"......just like self employed people don't get disability, evidently they don't get even a week after back surgery to try to heal without having to put out fires!
Thankfully I have hatching chickens and beautiful butterflies to try to get my blood pressure down!

Sorry your arm still hurts so much Kim!!!

How are you feeling this morning Pam? I hope you are taking it easy this soon after surgery and letting that back heal!
Like Kim "it hurts"......just like self employed people don't get disability, evidently they don't get even a week after back surgery to try to heal without having to put out fires!
Thankfully I have hatching chickens and beautiful butterflies to try to get my blood pressure down!

Are you going to be doing physical therapy soon or are they waiting a while to do it. I hope everything is going well and you heal as close to as good as new as possible.
Right now I have to be flat on my back with periods of walking. I have a brace that I have to wear for the next couple of months. I had disc replacement and then a fusion, and it takes awhile to fuse. I should start having better days in about 4 months. Between 4-6 months I should start feeling like the surgery worked..... better in a year!!!! Lot's a pills to manage! I know you have a hard time with pain pills Kim, thankfully they work well for me, it's pretty intense pain. BYC's is a godsend to take my mind off the pain and missing being able to visit my chickens!
Are you going to be doing physical therapy soon or are they waiting a while to do it. I hope everything is going well and you heal as close to as good as new as possible.
Is Sacramento North or South California? Need advice from people in SACRAMENTO VALLEY.

My husband, children, and I are headed your way over spring break to check out the area. My husband got approved to move his same job to Folsom. We're Oregon born and raised, but had a lifetime of rain and mud. Ready for a change.

Looking for good schools, asbestos free house, and more sun/dry than Portland has to offer. I'd love to discuss schools and housing, but let's get REAL. It's all about the chickens. I currently have 7 lovely healthy young ladies between 1 and 2 yrs old. Of course they are part of the family and I would love to bring them with us, but not sure I can get them across the Cali border. I do have housing for them here if we have to leave them behind *sniff*.

At any rate, you can bet we'll be getting more ladies on the flip side if moving is what we decide to do. My biggest question is how do you keep them cool with all that heat? I would love to see your coops and runs. My chickens are miserable if the thermostat goes above 85!

Have you heard of anyone getting them across the border?

Are nicer neighborhoods likely to have HOA's that don't allow them. We are most interested in Granite Bay, though we won't be in a 1.5 million dollar house there. I wish!

I would love to hear any and everything good and bad about living and poultry ownership in the Sacramento Valley!

Thank you!

I have friends that live in Granite Bay and when they first moved in it had not expanded like it has now. They hate their HOA because it is so restrictive. I have never seen a chicken in Granite Bay and would be shocked if I did. It just doesn't seem like that kind of community. Sorry. There are some lovely homes in the foothills just above there on larger property lots and some would be great for raising chickens. Again I would be sure to check all the municipal codes for any area you are interested in as well as the local CC&Rs and any HOA rules and regs. Love the foothills Northeast of Sacramento. Beautiful countryside!

It does rain there. Pretty hard at times but no where near as often as it does in Portland! Even the fog usually sits just south and west of Sacramento and in the low lying areas. To keep their fowl cool a lot of folks freeze fruits like melons during the heat to feed to their birds. I do the frozen bottles thing, like Kim, and throw them under the coop where they like to stay when it's hot. I've also wet their run down a bit to keep the ground cooler. Ventilation in the coop is super important in the heat as is plenty of shade for the chooks.

BTW welcome to the California thread!

I don't see a pip, but I hear some peeping going on in there. Maybe I should just walk away and check later.


Yea!!! Peeping! Just need to be patient then. *says the woman that hasn't left the bator for more than 5 minutes all day*

Like Kim "it hurts"......just like self employed people don't get disability, evidently they don't get even a week after back surgery to try to heal without having to put out fires!
Thankfully I have hatching chickens and beautiful butterflies to try to get my blood pressure down!


OUCH! I was afraid of that. One of the disadvantages to owning your own businesses. I sure hope they saw how much pain you were in and will learn to deal with it themselves! You don't need any kind of stress right now!

On a happier note, we have 9 babies hatched! 7 of them are Polish!!!

I'll get pics tomorrow! I'm a little upset about the green and blue eggs since not one has even pipped but I can't look at it that way. I have to look at all the precious little miracles running around in the bator right now! That is what I learned from Linda today and I'm gonna try to look at it that way from now on!
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Still nothing. I have no idea what's going on with me hatches, but they seem to be getting worse. I don't even hear peeping. Humidty and temps are holding and I would think that at least some eggs from my own birds would be hatching but they haven't. Maybe they cooled down to much yesterday. I have the 2 new thermometers in there, the windows seem warm, but I don't want to open it up to check. I got 100% hatches for a long time. Even on shipped eggs and couldn't understand why anyone wouldn't get at least one chick to hatch, but now days, I'm even having trouble with mine. I sent someone 34 eggs last month. One broke, so she set 33 and got 22 chicks. How can I send eggs across the country and they hatch and I have these just sitting and doing nothing? I think once I can do it, I'm building a new bator. Our homemade ones always hatched chicks, but the Sportsman and the LGs haven't been. I never had problems with the LGs. Bill and I got great hatches. I just don't get this.
Sunny when i get one I'm thrilled. One is better than zero. Last time out of 49 I got 3. At least I got 3, so that was fine. Matter of fact I need to sell some of these chicks. Keep putting that off and shouldn't be.
Well, I have to say I'm disappointed in the EE's too! And surprised! The roo and the hens should be ideal age for producing healthy hatching eggs. But so far you haven't gotten ANY EE's to hatch, the two, non Polish that hatched were from my "brown egg laying chickens" from the feed store (I believe she buys her chicks from MacMurray) I don't get it!

We pushed hatching out the Polish since they'd only been laying a few months but yet got a pretty good hatch rate from them. You only started with 11 of those right?

One more thing, when I hatched EE's last year, they did hatch over 3 days. I set 20 eggs that had been in the refrigerator and some up to 2 weeks old, because I wasn't planning on hatching them until I lost my whole flock....and I got 14 to hatch! If I recall I got 7 the first day, 5 the second day and 2 on day 23 so you're probably not done. I can't imagine out of all those eggs you'd only get 9!

I'd like to hear from those who have EE or Ameracauna hatching experience and see if there's something we're missing. So Sunny, they're quitters right? Because I have rarely cracked open one from Big Daddy's girls that wasn't fertile.

So seven Polish
Last I heard you had a Black and Yellow (which I think should be a splash), anything crested yet?

On a happier note, we have 9 babies hatched! 7 of them are Polish!!!

I'll get pics tomorrow! I'm a little upset about the green and blue eggs since not one has even pipped but I can't look at it that way. I have to look at all the precious little miracles running around in the bator right now! That is what I learned from Linda today and I'm gonna try to look at it that way from now on!
Could you send me the info where you got your SIlkied hatching eggs? I know you only got one from those shipped eggs doing the dry hatched method. I would like to try again doing it my way. I am not doing shipped eggs this year but I will give those a try. I can't do any worse.....LOL

Sunny when i get one I'm thrilled. One is better than zero. Last time out of 49 I got 3. At least I got 3, so that was fine. Matter of fact I need to sell some of these chicks. Keep putting that off and shouldn't be.

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