California White Leghorn Chick ID

May or may not be applicable...

I've crossed my Black Australorp roo with my white leghorn hen just for kicks and giggles.

So far, out of 10 offspring...

2 cockrels- both solid white with yellow legs
8 pullets- white with black spots and green/slate legs

Seem to have better disposition than the leghorn so far... and a little better body size as well. Hoping they are just as prolific as the leghorn hen- I don't think she's missed a day laying since she started 4 months ago
Well I don't feel so alone not knowing how to know if I have hens or roos. They are supposed to be sexed at the hatchery so I hope the pros know what they're doing. I looked on line and didn't find the answer.
Last summer I got six ee chicks and ended up with five roosters.
I don't want to go through that again and I hope I have hens this time. The Cal White Leghorns are sex linked chicks, ( how ever that's done) but I also got two Austalorp chicks that are supposed to be sexed hens. Hoping.....
It will be interesting to see if they pullets lay brown eggs or white.

That used to be a very popular cross before all the sex link hybrids
still available from some hatcheries "Austra white
Laid white eggs - lots and lots
That one looks more like a Gold Comet ROO I had taken by a hawk a few weeks ago...more creamy than white though...your photo looks creamy too!
Mine had dark spots on his wings. Are your girls really white or cream?

I have 3 mutt babies that are yellow with tiny black spots which just hatched from my true Leghorn hen and Dominique I am thinking someone sold me a California Grey roo with a rose comb instead of a Dom!

The UP Side of that is I may now have true California Whites!
The Rooster passes on the barred gene to the males and not the females. So black spots could be an indicator of female since the hens have the white dominant gene. The girls should come out all white with some leakage a.k.a black specks. The boys can develop ghost barring that can barely be seen.

Interesting enough California white females have one copy of the dominant silver gene. This can be used to possibly create red sexlink chicks.

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