California White Leghorn Chick ID

Well now, that's interesting...I just happen to have a little Welsummer cockerel (red of course) and a little 3 month old white pullet with 5 or 6 black spots...I will be excited to find out if their babies are sex links next Spring! They already hang out together all the time anyway; might as well give it a try.
Yes, this is an old thread--but an important one. I thought I would add this in, as it seems more accurate:

"autosexing California Gray was developed by crossing barred Rocks with white Leghorns, resulting in pullets that are darker than cockerels. Today this breed is used primarily to produce the sex linked California White. Although all the chicks are yellow with black body spots, only the pullets have head spots."
California whites are not sexlinked. They carry out copy of dominant white (I)

Since they carry one copy they will leak through black on both sexes. They will not show head spots because you won't be able to see it due to the white plumage.
That is a very good question...Still not exact answer. Im really intrested in hearing it.

So do the hens have black spots? Do the roos have black spots? or Can both hens and roos have black spots?
My understanding is that both Roos & Hens have spots. Not sure how exactly the sex-link work with Cal Whites. I just hatched 5 of em. All of them have spots. Even the one with just 1 spot. There’s no way i struck gold & managed to hatch 100% hens.

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