Californian Meat Rabbit Grow-Out Thread... **Picture Heavy**

I have to go out and get the weights today. I've been too busy the last couple days to get it. I know they are over 2 pounds.
My second litter has their eyes open now and their ears are up and look way to big for their bodies. They are fat little things. My daughter wanted to weigh them today even though it is a few days early for their 2wk but we did it anyway. The are between 4.9oz and 6.2oz. I'll weigh them again on Tue for thir 2wk weights and see how they compare to their cousins. I mean half siblings. Kinda. Does are littermates and bred to the same buck.
My second litter was two weeks yesterday.
Their weights are: 6.4, 6.5, 5.9, 6.0, 6.4, 6.5, 6.3, 6.0 and 6.0. 56oz or 3.5lbs.

A bit off topic, the does are littermates. Both were bred to my buck. My girls want to keep a doe and buck from each litter. Since the does are sisters they are basically brother and sister they cant be bred. Right?
yes you can inbreed. inbreeding and linebreeding is what has made every single line of animal we have now adays. and rabbits can take inbreeding quite well. same as chickens. i have a tightly bred line of californians. but i choose to use these as foundation for my crosses. in their pure form they dont come close to comparing to a good crossed hybrid. but you must have a pure parent stock to make that hybrid cross.

one hand washes the other.

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