Call duck pen ideas!

I am not very knowledgable on the coloring of call yet but I had to come on and say again how adorable they are!! They seem to love you so much already-awesome job mamma!! I would love to learn more about the different colors of calls from all you experts, you guys know much more than google does!
Thanks so much, you’re so kind! I really do appreciate it! They are certainly adorable! I absolutely love that they’ve imprinted on me. They love to follow me around the yard and sit at the deck door when I go in. They are very sweet ducks. Much more affectionate than my two female Jumbo Pekins. I’m trying to learn more about colors as well and this site is a very helpful resource. I’m looking foreword to seeing and hearing about your calls when they arrive! :hugs:celebrate
And I wanted to ask @vermont chick how are your calls doing? If I recall right they’d be around the age of mine now. Do you know which are female and male yet? :love
☺️ I’ve got three pastel females. I suspect one male penciled and one female penciled. And the two bibbed I suspect are males, but we shall see!
How are yours? Kinds? Sex? I just love them to pieces.
☺ I’ve got three pastel females. I suspect one male penciled and one female penciled. And the two bibbed I suspect are males, but we shall see!
How are yours? Kinds? Sex? I just love them to pieces.
Sounds very exciting! Mine are doing great! I have one male black bibbed, one pastel male, one white male, and one snowy that I suspect might be male. I also have one female grey who is very sweet. Yesterday I added some straight run call ducklings to my flock. There is one butterscotch, one pied, and one blue fawn! :love
@Isaac 0 or who ever is available I have a quick question. I’m kind of worried about the little butterscotch. Starting tonight I noticed it breathing through its mouth. It wasn’t doing this earlier and it still acts just fine. It walks around and quacks too. It has water kind of coming in and out of its nostrils. It doesn’t seem bothered but I’m quite worried as it’s the youngest and smallest. Is there something I should do or do you think it’ll be alright? It’s drinking good and eating in small amounts it’s also pooping normally. It is two days old and the others are around four. Is it just getting used to the water or should I be concerned.
Edited because I also wanted to add: I have seen it sneeze a couple of times and try to get the water out.
I really haven’t seen any of my other ducklings do except one do this and it is ok now but I’m still a bit worried. The one was the little grey but it never breathed through its mouth. It did have water in its nostrils though.
I sure hope it’ll be alright. I tucked them into bed it acted just fine other than breathing and the water. I sure hope it isn’t aspiration. I’m not really sure what it is. The little duckling ran around and quacked with the others so I’m thinking it’s ok. :fl

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