Call duck pen ideas!

Even my adult ducks will have water come out of their nares when they dunk their heads. Is this what you mean it happens after she dunks her head?
Post a video next time she does it.
Ok I’ve got a video after she took a drink. I’ve seen water in their nares before but never had one breathe through its mouth when it had this. You should be able to see in the video. Is this normal or should I do something? :D
Aww bless so she dunks her head and this gape sure? Maybe @Isaac 0 has seen this before with his Calls since I don’t have any could it be because their bills are so tiny? That is the cutest little thing
I don’t think it’s bothering her as much as it is me. I’m just worried. I’ve been known to panic over small things sometimes. :oops: It’s only for a couple of minutes after she eats and drinks. Thank you for your help.:D Her little bill is much smaller than the others as well.
I've seen that before, most of the time it's just a fluke and resolves itself, she may have a little bit of bedding/feed stuck in her throat. I wouldn't be concerned unless if the symptoms worsen.
I’m very glad to hear this. Hopefully she’ll grow out of it. I’m already so attached. She’s definitely a sweet little thing. :love Thank you so much for your help.
It’s funny how they think they’re so intimidating but they’re actually just cute. It’s especially funny to see Splash chase the guineas! :lau I caught this on video and was laughing a lot!:gig
That is hilarious! They do think they are tough sons of gun. I have( five) four weeks old in the pen as of now, five with their mother, and ten supposed to hatch in three days.
They really are spunkier than my jumbo Pekins! :lau
Aww! Sounds like you’ve got quite a great flock! I’d love to see pictures if you have some! :love

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