Call Ducks or Bantams...Crazy Animals Around the Farm

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Boots for what?
Hoof boots, to keep them dry during the storm. The therapeutic ones or whatever special name they are. Because I still haven't gotten rid of all the thrush.... It's been so wet that as soon as it seems to be almost all gone it will rain hard a few days, then I can't get to them and it's back....:thpoor girl. I'm trying. Just darn weather not cooperating and I'm not made of money so can't buy everything..... Her legs and tendons and joints all look and feel great. Not worried about that. Just tired of fighting an uphill battle. It's really not as bad now though since her frog and soles are finally really shedding on their own good.

I have worked master level Tetris in my bunny barn, just need to secure a few more things and pick up some trash boards and I’m down to just finishing laundry tomorrow.
Sounds about like us here. Lol. Thank the Lord it shifted some but I still feel horrible for this at the coast where it directly hits.....

@MatthewsHomestead I was complaining about the heat and hubby reminded me that the high pressure front that makes it hot is the same high pressure that’s keeping the storm away... catch 22! :barnie[/QUOTE]
Yeppers. Was working on digging the piggies mudhole (they about have a hole on the side of the fence where the water puddles up so filling that in and making a new one in the middle of the lot), and I had sweat dripping into my eyes it was so hot. And for that job stinky.... :gig
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