Call Ducks or Bantams...Crazy Animals Around the Farm

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She had them natural. No csection. She nursed for the first two weeks. Belle is an excellent mother. But she was shot in the mouth and had to go to the hospital. She couldn't eat which meant she couldn't maintain her weight. Plus the meds they had her on wouldn't have been good for the pups. The vet advised me to continue hand feeding and let her dry up bc she needs to be healthy too. She lost 9 lbs and she was never a big dog.
Oh she was shot!!! I thought she was kicked by a horse?
Poor dog...
Oh alright I'll figure something out that both can use then. Thanks Kayla...:frow
When I've brooded chicks and ducks together, I'd put out both the duck waterer and a chick waterer with marbles in it.

I know. They’re all going broody :lau
Well my broody in the greenhouse is back at it. Don't know if she's setting on any eggs, but not willing to lose a finger to find out. Last time I got her off the next there weren't any eggs under her.
When I've brooded chicks and ducks together, I'd put out both the duck waterer and a chick waterer with marbles in it.

Well my broody in the greenhouse is back at it. Don't know if she's setting on any eggs, but not willing to lose a finger to find out. Last time I got her off the next there weren't any eggs under her.
That's funny I had one Broody Hen before that attacked me in my Garage Brooder and chased me right out into the yard..:gig
Scared the poop out of me too..:lol:
No external pips yet... but there’s peeping. :D
The Orpington is happy with 3 silkie eggs and an Ameraucana egg. And Ellen the Silkie is happy with the guinea eggs...or is she? I can’t tell. :gig

Had to swap them out because I realized that guinea keets are teeny tiny so the orp would likely crush them. :gig :th
That's funny I had one Broody Hen before that attacked me in my Garage Brooder and chased me right out into the yard..:gig
Scared the poop out of me too..:lol:
Well, there's a piece of 3/4" plywood that I attempted to use to keep the turkeys contained a couple years ago. It's on the floor and attached to the fence. She dug a tunnel under it and that's where she made her next. Reaching in there is a very dangerous thing to do.
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