Call Ducks or Bantams...Crazy Animals Around the Farm

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Oh...well I better get my goat on..Meeeeh meeeeh! :gig
Make sure you sound like you are whining. :lau Goats believe they are royalty. They enjoy being waited on, and complain when you are late. :lol: Be prepared for some shenanigans. I'm looking forward to pictures when you get them. :pop
Make sure you sound like you are whining. :lau Goats believe they are royalty. They enjoy being waited on, and complain when you are late. :lol: Be prepared for some shenanigans. I'm looking forward to pictures when you get them. :pop
Send my husband out then because he is the whining one here..:gig
Had goats growing up and I'm sure we will do okay :fl
Definitely have help from all of you Goat people..:highfive:
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