Call ducks

Like any duck, they can, but it doesn't really hurt...hard to keep from laughing at them when they do it, really, unless you have a really aggressive those can really pinch!
My calls have never bit me and rarely pinch me unless it's a broody hen.
That is an individual animal question, not a breed question. I have Callducks that will grab a piece of skin on your hand, and bite down and actually twist their heads.. It hurts quite a bit. I also have specimens that have never once even thought of biting.
I have 2 Call drakes that are as aggressive and "bitey" as Calls can be. They like to grab the skin between your thumb and index finger and hang on. I think it's pretty hilarious, myself.
One of my drakes likes to grab me by the pants leg and shake it like a dog with a bone. I act like I'm scared of him sometimes just to boost his ego in front of the ladies.
I think I'd rather one of my Calls get ahold of me than one of my big ganders. Talk about painfull! and it can be a bit difficult to get one to let loose, too!

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