Calling all EE experts! What gender?

It is definitely not a SLW, wrong comb, wrong leggs, wrong coloration. It is an EE, and I would guess male due to the comb, and the patches of white coming in on the wing-bow (if this was a red-based bird, they'd be patches of red).

I hope you can keep him, he'll be gorgeous!
All girl mine lays pink egg's
BaGAWK!! :

I hope mine is as perty as yours is!

She lays 11 days out of 12 also she is my best layer and friendly as a chicken can be.​
My boy had a pink, single row of well-defined peas at 3 weeks and then a red single row at 4 weeks. The other two rows appeared out of nowhere as he matured. I also have a pullet that had a wide, yellow comb with three rows of super tiny peas and thicker legs than the cockerel. She's gorgeous and laying some beautiful blue-green eggs these days. Crosses are funny like that.

I just saw Pele's post and I'm changing my vote to likely male.
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