Calling all Penedesencas Owners/Breeders

Thanks for the welcome and comments. I came to realize that I really enjoy animals that are somewhat independent and a bit "hotter." They seem to be more sensitive, more aware, and to have more nuanced interactions with everything. Now I don't know if that includes chickens! I have a Spanish horse breed with Andalusian in his heritage (the bullfighting horses) and he has quite the personality and can be super reactive, but that's part of the joy. I am somewhat new to chickens, 5 years, but my favorite so far has been my tiniest EE. She's "wild," looks like a hawk, first to notice everything, first to get there, and super smart. Gotta respect that!
Here are pictures of the Black Penedesencas I hatched from eggs I got from Chicken Canoe.
Most of them are cockerels ( 7) out of 10. One pullet I didn't take pictures of, she is very small & has a lot of brown on her, she was either an assisted hatch or a late hatcher (I don't remember which.
1 of the cockerels has brown mixed in, so I won't use him for breeding. Another has white on some feather tips, so I won't use him either. A third cockerel has a messed up foot which I think I am to blame for, he had a band on that leg get too tight, but I'm not going to use him either just in case I am wrong.
Pullet # 1 above.
Pullet #2 below with 2 cockerels.

Below, cockerel with brown & 1 of the pullets.

Cockerel #1 above.
Pullet # 2 below
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Cockerel # 2 (above)

cockerel #1(above)

Cockerel # 3

This cockerel is eliminated because of its right foot

Cockerel with his back to us is out because of the white feathers.

Cockerel on the right of the pic is out because of the brown feathering.
I still need to trade a pullet for a cockerel with you. I had one hatch this year that were mostly cockerels but most of the time it's been even or heavy on the pullets.
That's a lot of brown. I haven't had that much in a while.
They grow fast don't they? Sometimes I look at a group and think the majority are cockerels until I do a count cause there's just so much comb flying around the bunch.
Some of the legbands look a little tight. I use zipties up until they're big enough for a numbered legband. I put them on loose enough that they just won't pull off but lots of loose legroom. I put them on as dayolds and you have to check them every 2 weeks. I make an alarm on my phone for every 2 weeks. As they get older, you can sometimes go a month.
Some of the legbands look a little tight. I use zipties up until they're big enough for a numbered legband. I put them on loose enough that they just won't pull off but lots of loose legroom. I put them on as dayolds and you have to check them every 2 weeks. I make an alarm on my phone for every 2 weeks. As they get older, you can sometimes go a month.
All of the legbands in the pictures are numbered bands, I got the ones for heavy fowl, while they don't mention penes on the list of birds they fit, they do list Rhode Island Reds & other large birds.
I had started with stretchy bands ( that was a disaster!) then I switched to zip ties, but I put most of them on too loose & they came off ( I was afraid of getting them too tight!). They have been in the numbered bands for about 3 weeks now, I think.

I know what you mean about all the comb flying around! I was trying to make sure that I got pictures of each chick & got lost with just the 9 of them.
I am enjoying seeing everybody's beautiful birds! Just gorgeous. For those whose best option is a hatchery source, here is an update on my Meyer model, at 2.5 weeks. Is she looking like a pullet? She flies readily onto my lap / stands on my hand. She can fly to a roost and run like a roadrunner.

right now I'm down to just a few crele birds . I haven't been hatching much this year with all my fencing work and various projects I've been doing .
I did manage to hatch a few crele with some Empordanesa eggs i got however the Empordanesa did not hatch well. box was beat to heck so i got 2 out of 12 to hatch with 5 broken eggs and a few more i found out later where cracked .
Now that my fence is done in the goat area i can free range again once i build a better coop and way to keep the goats out of the chicken food
Help? I hatched 5 black copper marans eggs. This guy is 4 weeks old. Is this "carnation" comb? Does that imply some penedesenca genetics or is that too simple? His crown has inspired me to possibly get some Penedesencas in the future.



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