Calling all Penedesencas Owners/Breeders

Will anyone here have fertile Penedesenca eggs available at the end of October, well that is barring any major or predictable mishaps? Thanks, Dallen
You could PM Chickencanoe, he is in St. Louis & has Black Penedesencas & has been know to ship eggs. He may be willing? Or were you hoping to find someone in Arizona?
Will anyone here have fertile Penedesenca eggs available at the end of October, well that is barring any major or predictable mishaps? Thanks, Dallen

I should. Right now I have about 15 hens and 25 pullets. I'm getting plenty of eggs considering all the molting going on.

I'll send you a PM with pricing.
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Howdy! I read the whole thread ... They have been on my list to get ... Learned lots ... Thank you all for contributing!

How likely are they to go broody? Does it vary by color variety?
I can only attest to the broodiness of blacks but I understand the other varieties are similar.
On average about 20% will go broody over the course of a year. With 20 to 30 hens each year I usually have at least 5 go broody.
I once had 9 pullets together with a community nest and 8 of them went broody within weeks of commencement of lay.
It's usually around April or May but can be later in the year. About 3 years ago I had one go broody at the end of October and hatched out chicks in the middle of November.
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Thank you! Another plus for them! :)

For those that have both blacks and another color ... Is the extra half pound of the blacks size really noticeable? My thinking is half of the extra half pound is probably bone & guts ... Or are they close to the same height, but a little wider? More breast? Is the body cavity bigger, easier to clean out? (I have big hands)

I too plan to eat "extra's" ...
It has been a while since I've been able to post. Hubby had an accident with a tree on March 1, breaking his neck and causing lots of problems that caused loads of Dr appointments and Physical and Speech therapies through most of our lovely summer. Life may be sort of back to normal now, for now. No more cutting down trees for that guy! Momma says!

My Partridge Penedesencas are still in the horse stall as there has been no time to build a new pen for them after that tree hitting my chicken house last December. In fact, the last half of it is still standing for lack of time.

I had eggs in the incubator on March 1, and ended up with some Cream Legbars and two Partridge Penedesenca cockerels. One got pecked by his roommates (a group of roosters) and didn't recover. The other is coming along and starting to mature but he needs a pen with a couple of hens of his own now.

One of my PP hens went broody and hatched one chick. It is a pullet, and has grown up with the PP flock in the stall. I tried to find her a roommate when her mother abandoned her, but there were no chicks her size anywhere to be found. She is cute, and holds her own, thank God. I think she hatched the end of July or the first part of August. She really has shown herself to be one tough chick.

I would still like to get some eggs or chicks from someone else to diversify my flock. Ron or Jason, does either of you have any fertile eggs???? Anyone else close to the Pacific Northwest????? I've kept my eyes on several different sources, but have seen only a PP cross rooster which does me no good. Yes, I even contacted the owner of that crossbred roo with no luck. <sigh>
I just emailed Laura of Flying Feather Farm. She responded to me stating that she no longer sells or ships chickens. I had also asked about eggs, and she made no mention as to whether she does that or not.

So... does anyone have the Wheatons, or know where I could find any?

Thanks much.....
I found some videos of Fira del Gall. For those unfamiliar, it is a foodie festival the last weekend before Christmas that features the Black Penedesenca rooster and celebrates its meat flavor. Catalonia is the oldest wine region of Europe and the festival also features an additional guest breed each year as well as geese, turkeys, ducks, etc..
Area restaurants have recipe and taste testing competitions, all featuring the Black Penedesenca.
I won't be making it this year but hope to before long. It looks like fun.

I also discovered that the variety we have here is the 'tradicional' (classic). In Spain they still have those but also the 'mejorada' (improved).
I'm not sure if I agree that it is improved but it is larger to take advantage of the meat qualities. In doing so, they have diminished the white earlobe and egg color.
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