Calling All Rabbit Nutters

Uuuuuh, no. Lost them due to the poor weather. So upsetting. They should have survived, but it most have been that they were in a ground nest. I've had other kits survive colder temps than that, but I'm just learning lessons the hard way.
Aw I'm sorry to hear that😞
I've lost some too that I normally wouldn't lose.
I think I'm going to move to the shelving method. I need to be able to select who survives so I think it'll work out better that way anyways.

Was the mom experienced?
Bonnie gave me such a big scare this morning. Usually she's at the door ready to be let out in the morning, excited to go run about.
This morning she was in the bed section of the hutch, out of sight. Opened the door. Called her, did her water etc etc and NOTHING. I got so scared I'd lost her somehow. I decided to wait before opening up her bed because, honestly, I remember the pain of finding my last bunnies dead and I panicked.

It really upset Sprightly too. She notices any change with Bonnie, she waddled to Bonnie's pen, stood at the mesh and looked around trying to spot her, head feathers raised and she started quacking loudly. Wouldn't stop. Quite distressed that Bonnie wasn't there.

Thankfully, Bonnie eventually graced us with her presence and is now doing her routine zoomies.
Sprightly is content.
I have baby buns in Northwest Arkansas if anyone around this area is interested! They need homes ASAP! We are only keeping a few for 4H shows.

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