Calling all Sebright and Mille Flure experts!!


10 Years
Oct 19, 2009
Saint Helens, Oregon
I need info on these birds! lol I have never raised these breeds before. I have 6 mille's and 6 sebrights. They will be 2 months old April 7th. Some are trying to crow already!! Is this typical? Is there any other info you can provide me on these breeds?
Thanks BYC friends!!
Wouldn't surprise me if the Sebrights have started crowing. The earliest I heard mine was around 4 weeks. I'm not a breeder, but I do know about the breed, so I'll be glad to try and answer any questions you have
I have two Silver Sebright roos, one Silver Sebright hen and one Golden Sebright hen. The two roos can be obnoxious, as they believe they are much bigger than they really are, and they fiercely protect their hens. In my flock, that's not just the two Sebright hens, but all the LF hens too. All of 'em. There is a dominant LF rooster, but if he's not around, the two Sebright boys don't want you anywhere near the hens.

They attack visitor's ankles, flogging them with surprising strength.

The hens are SWEET! My silver, Alice, is currently broody. She's sharing a covered kitty litter box nest with a LF broody hen.
I find the duccle a very quite docile breed..One of our mille hens that is just a yr old is so sweet she will jump in my hands when I bend down..I also have some rumpless hens that are that way
I have never had sebrights my daughter had some and they were kinda mean with some of the other chickens for being so small they acted like they were 10 ft tall
We have porcelain,mille and golden duccle's and 1 black and white mottled hen

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