Calling all teenagers

I have a great plan

I have to leave on week-long trips twice next month so I'm going to make a how-to do the chickens sheet but go into too much detail. The people that say I have the easiest job will think again while reading about how one specific chicken likes to be complemented only 3 times a day in a specific way on Mondays.
Totally doing that!
Same! It's in the upper 80's here and muggy, so that makes it worse, but I really don't mind the heat. Or the cold for that matter!
its so hot here. I just watered the plants. Usally we never have to water. And the small patch with about 12 stalks of corn growing took half a gallon of water and i could have added mlre
Me all day outside = 🥵🥵🥵
It was sunny here to
Is it more of a dry heat where you guys are? We're kind of going through a drought at the moment. We have to water the plants every day or they're wilty by evening. Even after it rains normally in the summertime the ground doesn't stay wet for very long.
Yes, it is.
We actually got a nice thunderstorm tonight and got lots of rain!
I want to see what a dry heat is like! I've heard it's more bearable than the mugginess. When it's muggy it's like your hair sticks to you, and you can't get a really fresh breath cause it's almost like the oxygen is wet and hot Lol
I want to see what a dry heat is like! I've heard it's more bearable than the mugginess. When it's muggy it's like your hair sticks to you, and you can't get a really fresh breath cause it's almost like the oxygen is wet and hot Lol
Oooh, dry heat is wayyyyy better! Humidity makes it twice as worse.

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