Calling all teenagers

Some rain here and there is good where I am, but what it's been doin lately is too much!
If it doesn't rain here, then the plants'll die, and everything is super dusty, but if it rains like it's doin now, then my boots and overalls are always soaked!!
I just don't like rain during the day it is dark and gloomy outside and everything is soaking wet. It also makes the chicken runs wet and muddy
here it how far I got šŸ˜…

According to most of you, Chickens are SUPER easy so this should be a piece of cake.

In the morning you must bring the chicken bucket down to the chickens but stop at the gate and make sure there are no onions or avocados in it. If there are, pull them out. You must also alert them to your arrival by, once getting to the gravel, calling out to them with a chicken call or morning greeting.
Dump the bucket right over the fence and lay it down sideways so they can peck it out. I usually take this time to sit on my haunches and stroke their tummies and under their chins. They like to be complimented on their feathers, egg laying, eyes, etcā€¦
I then peek in the nesting boxes and in the coop to see that none are dead or broody.
If Zeus crows at any point in all this, tell him good job. The same goes for Wingding as well. Winding also gets extra talking to as he is nervous about being with the big chickens. Watch out for mites. As soon as you touch the coop, check your hands. There will be a minimum of ten mites crawling around on your fingers and palms. Just brush them off. You can clean it while I'm gone and I mean REALLY clean it but I know that none of you will even think about doing so, so just watch out for the mites.
After checking the water and refilling and cleaning if needed (every to every-other day) feed them.
Eggnog will hop up in the coop and if she does so, don't just push her out. Grab her in a football hold and place her gently on the ground while lovingly reprimanding her. Remember to talk to them a lot or they will go into depression.
If you throw scratch, throw it into the dusting dirt. That way theyā€™ll mix it all up while looking for the corn and air it out. Linda is self-conscious about her limp so validate her on her walking.

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