calling all wild bird feeders!!

No starlings here, The must winter further south,

During the summer they are here, but not at feeders often. To me they are just a cowbird putting on airs. Pretenders at being a worthwhile bird.
A small hawk was hanging out this evening. It was perched on the back fence and would fly down to where there were some burrows in the grass and would stamp and scratch like the chickens to stir something from the hole then it would fly back to the fence to wait. There was a pair a couple of years ago which hunted small reptiles on the ground. The next year only one hawk came around
A small hawk was hanging out this evening. It was perched on the back fence and would fly down to where there were some burrows in the grass and would stamp and scratch like the chickens to stir something from the hole then it would fly back to the fence to wait. There was a pair a couple of years ago which hunted small reptiles on the ground. The next year only one hawk came around

That is just strange to hear, "hunted small reptiles". Up here reptiles are nearly non-existent Other than a few rare snakes.
Last night the deer discovered the one feeder that was within reach. Had to raise it this morning. Single digits and wind gusts 45 mph have the activity at a low. Wind is supposed to drop off this afternoon, and I expect birds will become more active then.
A small hawk was hanging out this evening. It was perched on the back fence and would fly down to where there were some burrows in the grass and would stamp and scratch like the chickens to stir something from the hole then it would fly back to the fence to wait. There was a pair a couple of years ago which hunted small reptiles on the ground. The next year only one hawk came around

I heard a hawk yesterday around my feeders but I never could see it.
Last night the deer discovered the one feeder that was within reach.  Had to raise it this morning.  Single digits and wind gusts 45 mph have the activity at a low.  Wind is supposed to drop off this afternoon, and I expect birds will become more active then.

The cold and wind hits tomorrow night here. My feeder was covered with Goldfinches this weekend. There was also Chickadees, Tufted Titmice, House Finches, Sparrows and Northern Cardinals.
The crows were out in force today. I saw a pair of wild ducks circling this morning. Ducks away from a flock are unusual as we are not near a large lake . There are some small lakes in the subdivision but because they aren't edged in native reeds and plants they don't attract waterbirds
Finch farming with cracked corn, yesterday: Will see what the snow falling, at present, "drags in" come morning.
Finch farming with cracked corn, yesterday:

Will see what the snow falling, at present, "drags in" come morning.


No wonder I am not seeing as many gold finches, I am feeding chickens with scratch and free feeders al over the barnyard....

Great Picture, taught me something......

After posting I saw the house or purple finch in the picture, making it an even greater photo.
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No starlings here, The must winter further south,

During the summer they are here, but not at feeders often. To me they are just a cowbird putting on airs. Pretenders at being a worthwhile bird.
Yes, they do! We have starlings here by the thousands, and they are so loud. I don't see them up close much, mostly they fly around in huge flocks, and stick to the trees. I'm in South Georgia by the way.

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