calling all wild bird feeders!!

I cannot tell you which finch it is. Here we have no Cassin's finches. So my dilemma is always house finch or purple finch.

This year it does not matter, I have boring birds. Nuthatches and junco's is about it. Not even a goldfinch, which is odd.
I think ours all froze to death in the last couple days. By tomorrow we will only have Flichcicles around here.

I have not had a pine siskin in months!
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The grackles have arrived and are attacking all three of my feeders - have to wonder how far away they went considering how mild this 'non winter' has been. We have a resident robin population year round, but last week a huge flock was at the beagle club feeding on the wide variety of wild berries/fruits available there.
The grackles have arrived and are attacking all three of my feeders - have to wonder how far away they went considering how mild this 'non winter' has been. We have a resident robin population year round, but last week a huge flock was at the beagle club feeding on the wide variety of wild berries/fruits available there.

This "non-winter" day is 20 below here, I have had mainly woodpeckers today. Poor little guys are all puffed out in their winter underwear.
At 20 F below, body parts would become brittle and fall off.
Heel low:

Oh the HORROR...<<not>>...the horror of having to decide what the heck is coming to visit this the land of the plenty of offerings to attract the free-loaders. Oh the horror of it all...grumble grumble

Happily, when the male hit the snow covered but seeded board, he cleaned his bill off...

Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada
I don't know if you've identified your visitors or not...I kinda chopped up your original post when I quoted it to make it easier to respond. The little guy in the top photo looks a lot like the little Common Redpoll we had all winter a year ago.

I took these out of our kitchen window...we have a fake pine thingy between two brackets on either side of the window with sock feeders suspended so I get within inches of them.

We had a Red Crossbill visit our place and he was a brazen little critter....let me practically walk right up to him! He was here for over a week, and that's unusual when you remember that we don't live in a forested area at all - we live in a semi desert. He was eating niger seed out of a sock feeder the whole time.

I know my variety is not as varied as most of yours are. But I still like watching them fed at my window. I do wish someone (who shall remain nameless) would talk to the gold finches and send them back here. I really miss them.

I will be glad when the Junco's leave and head north!
I don't know if you've identified your visitors or not...I kinda chopped up your original post when I quoted it to make it easier to respond. The little guy in the top photo looks a lot like the little Common Redpoll we had all winter a year ago.

I took these out of our kitchen window...we have a fake pine thingy between two brackets on either side of the window with sock feeders suspended so I get within inches of them.

We had a Red Crossbill visit our place and he was a brazen little critter....let me practically walk right up to him! He was here for over a week, and that's unusual when you remember that we don't live in a forested area at all - we live in a semi desert. He was eating niger seed out of a sock feeder the whole time.

Thank you!

I think the Redpoll is an excellent suggestion...five different subspecies and the name alone "poll" as in like a red cap has me smittened...good show!

The Crossbills, the male looks washed out pale compared to whatever we have here and still leaning on the Pine Grosbeak label. A Grosbeak with a GROSS beak fulla sunflower seed kibblies I suppose. Again...good show and thank you.

I think you NAILED it...

I came home from work this morn and the buzz in the trees and the horking on seeds was just like a swarm. Temps have lightened up and I guess they are all coming out on mass to chub back up for the next onslaught of winter wonderment. Life abounds in long as you got the gravy train set up and keep it topped up.


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