calling all wild bird feeders!!

I need pictures of spring/summer birds! It is cold miserable and snowing/sleeting. The wind is blowing I freeze my cute little behind off everytime I go outside today.

I have only winter birds at the feeders.

This is just not right! I am thinking of putting up a sign on the feeders that says "NO SNOWBIRDS ALLOWED HERE"

Those of you with summer, post the summer pictures!
Yesterday I found a dove nest with two eggs. Bluebirds are building nests in the bird houses at the club, and the tree swallows have arrived. It was 24 F this morning.
Even my daffodils went limp.
We have a house wren building a nest in a funny places every year. Last year it was a hanging bucket, this year is an old crate that hangs on the fence. We also have a hawks nesting just few trees down from our backyard. That is why I can't leave my chickens alone in the garden. The glories ******** (that's the name I gave them hawks) are flying above our heads all the time. We have falcons as well....
And lots of other beautiful birds- red cardinals, chickadee, titmouse,sparrows,blue jays, red robins,doves,even vultures sitting on the church tower. I love, love birds !
New bird showed up today - a male red headed woodpecker. He is coming to the wire peanut feeder. I had been putting suet pellets in them but they were getting all gross and moldy and I put plain peanuts in and the woodpeckers are much happier.
New bird showed up today - a male red headed woodpecker. He is coming to the wire peanut feeder. I had been putting suet pellets in them but they were getting all gross and moldy and I put plain peanuts in and the woodpeckers are much happier.

Who wouldn't be?

Moldy suet pellets?
We have a house wren building a nest in a funny places every year. Last year it was a hanging bucket, this year is an old crate that hangs on the fence. We also have a hawks nesting just few trees down from our backyard. That is why I can't leave my chickens alone in the garden. The glories ******** (that's the name I gave them hawks) are flying above our heads all the time. We have falcons as well....
And lots of other beautiful birds- red cardinals, chickadee, titmouse,sparrows,blue jays, red robins,doves,even vultures sitting on the church tower. I love, love birds !

WOW, what a coincidence I use the same name for the hawks and eagles here too! I guess it is true great minds think alike!
Bird Wars today. The ruby throated hummers are engaged in aerial warfare. The western bluebirds have launched a full attach on the reflective windows and side mirrors of the F150 pickup and a bluejay was full on attacking the coopers hawk nest where the hawks have successfully hatched a chick.
Will them ferment?

Moldy suet Pellet wine has a certain ring to it.

You have a point there Ralphie.

Bird Wars today. The ruby throated hummers are engaged in aerial warfare. The western bluebirds have launched a full attach on the reflective windows and side mirrors of the F150 pickup and a bluejay was full on attacking the coopers hawk nest where the hawks have successfully hatched a chick.

LOL, have your birds been into the moldy suet pellet wine?
I love reading about all the birds everyone has spotted! I bought cheap bird feed and so mostly I've gotten the small birds that don't mind the cheap stuff like sparrows and chickadees. I think next time I'm going to get some BOSS because I tend to get really cool birds with that!

My mom gave me a bin and a scoop to put my bird seed in which makes it really easy to refill the feeders. The birds go through seed so fast!
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