calling all wild bird feeders!!

Ok I am extremely jealous of your indigo bunting. I have only ever seen one for about three glorious seconds at my feeder and then gone.
And a scarlet tanager!! You lucky dog. :eek:
I occasionally get a grosebeak but never more than one at a time.
I rarely see bluebird s here. I have way too many house sparrows for their liking.

I use to think, we had boring birds here in Minnesota. We do not. When I started feeding them, (the old persons hobby as my kids call it) I discovered a world of beautiful brilliant colors. Even if I only see them for a few days a year they are worth seeing. Now that I have done years of serious bird feeding, I see them in the wild. I was always too busy to look when I was working. They are everywhere. I had a flicker at the feeders last week, I have seen them for years in the woods and meadows.

Until he sat on the feeders and I could see his underside and his spotted tuxedo I never realized how beautiful they are. When or I, spent so many years trying to raise a family, earn money and work, work, and work, I never stopped to see them before.

Here he is again. I had to use a filter so you could even see him in the picture sorry about that. The "good" photo is one I stole off the internet so you could see their beauty.

northernFlicker (2).JPG

retouchedflicker (2).jpg

And just for you my favorite warbler:
Who did not get to sing at the AMC awards last night, making the show sub-standard.
Why @duluthralphie did you keep this thread from me for a year?
I heard through the grapevine about your zombie Chickadee but did not know the origins of the story. I will photo bomb you in retaliation for keeping this thread a secret!
junk bird in the last photo. . I hates them. But this one was striking on a snow day. Cedar waxwings only show up on occasion when the crab apple tree has fruit. . I was able to snap one pic and that's it.
Blue jays, cardinals, robins, tufted titmouse, gold finch, nut hatch, wrens and chickadees Are regulars here.
Who says bird watching is an old persons hobby? I've been watching birds my entire life. Of course that is credited to my grandpa who can identify birds by sound from a mile away.

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