calling any one from missouri

Thanks. I haven't weighed my BA cockerels yet bc I was not sure of the proper procedure. I think they were only 14 weeks old, so a bit young for dual purpose. I'm not awesome at keeping records obviously, still kinda doing things by the seat of the pants.
I'm not real good at keeping records either. I'm sure my meat birds are well over the 8 week mark, but I butcher them when I feel like they are big enough and I have the time to do so. So some of them get to live a bit (or a lot) longer than the others. This gives the runts time to put on more weight once the bigger, pushier eaters are gone.
As far as processing them goes, keep em as roasters or parcel em out or do both. Whatever works best for you and your family's need.
Pictures from the work we got done today dismantling my friend’s greenhouse. We had to work between heavy downpours of rain. So I guess we got all the rain the rest of you were expecting. 😂
Bumblebee on a tomatillo flower.
Something has started helping itself to the sunflower seeds and I don’t think they are even ready yet!🤔😳
I turned on the garden sprinklers and this turtle came out onto the black plastic I use to block weeds and was happily drinking from puddles.
View attachment 2222698
It is not the cucumber turtle. This one may have become trapped in the garden before I put up the fence. I brought it out, not sure what its story is.
View attachment 2222699
Nice n healthy looking.
View attachment 2223097View attachment 2223098View attachment 2223101Pictures from the work we got done today dismantling my friend’s greenhouse. We had to work between heavy downpours of rain. So I guess we got all the rain the rest of you were expecting. 😂View attachment 2223102Bumblebee on a tomatillo flower.View attachment 2223103Something has started helping itself to the sunflower seeds and I don’t think they are even ready yet!🤔😳
Yeah you must be on the east side. Hoping we get rain tomorrow. It's feast or famine around here, isn't it? Not long ago we were drowning ....
So my van is in the shop and Rusty the truck was having issues with the back brakes dragging and by the time I figured out what was wrong I had ruined the rear disks and pads by over heating them while driving. So running out of vehicles and knowing the rain was over @OhZark Biddies head I decided to ride the GoldWing to town as it was out of gas and get new pads and rotors for Rusty. Got to O`Reilly's and got my parts... hmm the rotors did not fit in the trunk so they had to ride on the passenger seat. Stopped at Kroger's to fill up the Wing and noticed it getting darker and darker as I gassed up. Just as I was about to pull out it started to sprinkle so I put my wallet and pistol into the trunk and headed home. By the time I got to the edge of town it was raining pretty hard and the temperature had dropped from 91 to 72. The rain felt refreshing in a way as I rode home.

Got to the house and dried everything off and got some dry clothes on and carried my parts to the shop. By then it had stopped raining but there is no way to get Rusty into the shop without tracking some mud in but I need to get it fixed so I had to mop the floor after getting it inside.

Starting my repairs I notice one box has been opened so I open the other box and the two rotors are not the same and the opened one had some the spring parts from brake pads in there and were all covered up with greasy hand prints. Looking at the radar I'm not going to ride a motorcycle back to town to return the rotor, lucky for me my buddy Ricky was not busy and he gave me a ride to O`Reilly's and back.

Hopefully today is less interesting...

So my van is in the shop and Rusty the truck was having issues with the back brakes dragging and by the time I figured out what was wrong I had ruined the rear disks and pads by over heating them while driving. So running out of vehicles and knowing the rain was over @OhZark Biddies head I decided to ride the GoldWing to town as it was out of gas and get new pads and rotors for Rusty. Got to O`Reilly's and got my parts... hmm the rotors did not fit in the trunk so they had to ride on the passenger seat. Stopped at Kroger's to fill up the Wing and noticed it getting darker and darker as I gassed up. Just as I was about to pull out it started to sprinkle so I put my wallet and pistol into the trunk and headed home. By the time I got to the edge of town it was raining pretty hard and the temperature had dropped from 91 to 72. The rain felt refreshing in a way as I rode home.

Got to the house and dried everything off and got some dry clothes on and carried my parts to the shop. By then it had stopped raining but there is no way to get Rusty into the shop without tracking some mud in but I need to get it fixed so I had to mop the floor after getting it inside.

Starting my repairs I notice one box has been opened so I open the other box and the two rotors are not the same and the opened one had some the spring parts from brake pads in there and were all covered up with greasy hand prints. Looking at the radar I'm not going to ride a motorcycle back to town to return the rotor, lucky for me my buddy Ricky was not busy and he gave me a ride to O`Reilly's and back.

Hopefully today is less interesting...


ha... I’ve had days like that... and I’ve been burned by that open package thing a few times too 😡
Turtle management....
DH came in and said one of your turtles is trying to get in the garden...
It was CT2 (named by @Gray Farms ) and she wanted in badly. I assume CT1 is in there. I did not expect him to be inviting friends....
I made a little depression under the fence, lifted it some and she went quickly in.
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