calling any one from missouri

Got home from the golf course (not playing but fixing the control system for the sprinklers) and stopped to check the mail and saw a package and thought who in the world is that? I don't recognize the name at all and I can't remember ordering anything... wait now I know it's @SueT who sent me a package. Thanks so much Sue, now to figure out how to put it on...

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Got home from the golf course (not playing but fixing the control system for the sprinklers) and stopped to check the mail and saw a package and though who in the world is that? I don't recognize the name at all and I can't remember ordering anything... wait now I know it's @SueT who sent me a package. Thanks so much Sue, now to figure out how to put it on...

Yay! the Pinless Peeper. They are hard to put on.
Here’s a thread discussing them...including valuable advice from some of the BYC pundits. Someone mentioned using a tool. You probably have some reverse pliers you could try, but we found they made it more complicated than just warming it and squeezing to open the prongs.
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The Cinnamon Queens were starting to lay on the floor a lot and I got tired of crawling on my hands and knees under the poop table to get eggs so I caved in and made them a couple of fancy nest boxes. I still have two that lay on the floor...

Now none use my original nest box, I assume the big difference is this coop has pine shavings on the floor and the Rhode Island Reds don't have that... dunno.

Did you see the drug related kidnapping in Poplar Bluff

Is that the same street the house is on?

😳😳 No, I hadn't heard about that! I would think it was the same street, unless there is a Park Street and a Park Avenue. The house we are rehabbing is 1035 Park Avenue.
All I know is that whatever was going on scared my son so much that he ended up checking himself into the psych ward of the regional hospital for a 24 hour evaluation rather than stay the night at the house by himself. He had his wife come pick him up the next day and he gathered all of his things from the house and went back to where they live. They did go back the following day to get as many of my husband's tools out of the house as they could. He hasn't been back there since.
We did tell him to meet us there tomorrow (Tuesday) and to bring my husband's tools. The foundation repair people will be there tomorrow and we still need to finish the electrical work so that it can get inspected and we can start putting up the drywall and then the plumber can come and finish his work. Then we need to finish the siding, paint the walls, put up some interior doors, put in a window in one of the bedrooms and put in basement stairs. Then we can list it and hopefully make back (most of) the money we put into it.

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