calling any one from missouri

Hi everybody! I stopped getting notifications and haven't been able to find this thread again on my phone. I finally got on my computer and found ya again!
We have sleet here too. My car is at the bottom of my driveway because my hubby thought he had to go to Harbor Freight right before the sleet started. By the time he got back he was unable to make it up our steep and long driveway. But at least he made it home and didn't crash the car either.
Hey everyone. I have a question. I already asked this in the laws and regulations forum but nobody had an answer. Has anyone here been able to contact the state of Missouri on how they're going to deal avian influenza? Like is it a test out state or will they cull birds without testing if you're within a cull zone? I know it's not here yet but I would really like to know how they're gonna deal with it. My birds are locked down and I'm taking biosecurity measures the best I can. I'm just super worried that they're going to be forcibly culled anyway even though they're uninfected and not in contact with any other birds
Hey everyone. I have a question. I already asked this in the laws and regulations forum but nobody had an answer. Has anyone here been able to contact the state of Missouri on how they're going to deal avian influenza? Like is it a test out state or will they cull birds without testing if you're within a cull zone? I know it's not here yet but I would really like to know how they're gonna deal with it. My birds are locked down and I'm taking biosecurity measures the best I can. I'm just super worried that they're going to be forcibly culled anyway even though they're uninfected and not in contact with any other birds
I don’t know. If the wild birds carry it, then I’m out of luck here. Remember a few years back when they cancelled all the poultry shows at local fairs? That was about all it came to that year. There was no culling or testing.
It’s 3º here this morning!!!!!!! 🥶
Hey everyone. I have a question. I already asked this in the laws and regulations forum but nobody had an answer. Has anyone here been able to contact the state of Missouri on how they're going to deal avian influenza? Like is it a test out state or will they cull birds without testing if you're within a cull zone? I know it's not here yet but I would really like to know how they're gonna deal with it. My birds are locked down and I'm taking biosecurity measures the best I can. I'm just super worried that they're going to be forcibly culled anyway even though they're uninfected and not in contact with any other birds
Never say never and all that… but I’d think it would have to get pretty extreme before measures like that were taken. I’d find something else to worry about for now 😉

I’d probably concentrate on mitigating risk this year, by doing things like
not getting hatchery/feed store chicks, not bringing home any other poultry, etc.

In general, I think right now at least the concern is mostly with large scale commercial poultry raisers, but all of us back yard keepers can do our part to not being part of the problem

If you’re still concerned, maybe call Missouri Department of Agriculture Animal Health Division at (573) 751-3377 and ask your questions and let us know what they say.
It was cold, and overcast with snow flurries most of the day yesterday. I ended up having to take my husband to the ER. He had an allergic reaction to Lisinopril which he’s been taking for 20+ years! His tongue swelled up so much you could barely figure out what he was trying to say. They admitted him right away. Not sure if he’s getting out today or not. I’m headed outside to try to clear all the sleet off our driveway so we can hopefully get the car up to the house!
It’s great to see the sun out today!

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