calling any one from missouri

Hi everybody! I stopped getting notifications and haven't been able to find this thread again on my phone. I finally got on my computer and found ya again!
We have sleet here too. My car is at the bottom of my driveway because my hubby thought he had to go to Harbor Freight right before the sleet started. By the time he got back he was unable to make it up our steep and long driveway. But at least he made it home and didn't crash the car either.
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It was cold, and overcast with snow flurries most of the day yesterday. I ended up having to take my husband to the ER. He had an allergic reaction to Lisinopril which he’s been taking for 20+ years! His tongue swelled up so much you could barely figure out what he was trying to say. They admitted him right away. Not sure if he’s getting out today or not. I’m headed outside to try to clear all the sleet off our driveway so we can hopefully get the car up to the house!
It’s great to see the sun out today!
Well are they sure that was what he had the reaction to?
Well are they sure that was what he had the reaction to?
Yes, they now seem positive. They are keeping him again tonight and giving him IV steroids still. Then when they send him home tomorrow they are going to prescribe 3 to 5 days or oral steroids. Apparently the time frame for a flare up of the swelling is pretty long.

This is how thick the ice on our driveway was!

The girls came out to watch. I guess they thought I had goodies because I had a 5 gallon bucket with me. 🤣 Once they figure out that wasn’t the case they returned to their area.
View attachment 3006715
This is how thick the ice on our driveway was!
View attachment 3006718
The girls came out to watch. I guess they thought I had goodies because I had a 5 gallon bucket with me. 🤣 Once they figure out that wasn’t the case they returned to their area.
It got warm enough yesterday the ducks were screaming at me for swimming water.
But where my hose runs along my fence does not get a lot of sun so I figured it was probably still froze up. I was not about to haul that much water out there. 🤪
Maybe today.

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