calling any one from missouri

what's kickin´chicken :

Hi everyone~
Was wondering if you guys would be so give me an idea on what to charge for eggs,the girls are getting ahead of us and I can't stand to see them go to I'm thinking about going into the egg business (help with feed prices too
) thanks for the help ...

I was selling mine for 2 a dozen if they brought egg cartons, 2.50 without and had a waiting list. I stopped selling them a few weeks ago after losing a few hens, having some broody, some molting, etc. Worming them and all that now, when I start selling them again I plan on selling them for 2.50 or 3 since feed prices have gone up so much. I use to figure out how much my eggs cost me, I figure I at least need to sell them for what I have to pay to get them.
My hubby and I just got done drawing up our plans for our chicken coop.
Pretty excited to get started on it. I have a question though, we are planning on doing the coop itself 4ft x 4ft x 4ft. How many chickens will a coop that size fit? And then the run will be 4 wide by 5ft long. I just want to make sure we are building it big enough.
We were there

Agreed, it was definitely like a huge garage sale! Did it used to be different? It was our first time being there.

We successfully found a buyer for our extra roos, and got a pygmy-ish goat, just like we wanted

Used to be way different. You had people selling good but most were homemade . There used to be tons of Animals. this was my first year back in about 7 years. Hoping it will be better in the spring.
I was selling mine for 2 a dozen if they brought egg cartons, 2.50 without and had a waiting list. I stopped selling them a few weeks ago after losing a few hens, having some broody, some molting, etc. Worming them and all that now, when I start selling them again I plan on selling them for 2.50 or 3 since feed prices have gone up so much. I use to figure out how much my eggs cost me, I figure I at least need to sell them for what I have to pay to get them.

thanks for the info. on egg price and I didn't know about --- I don't want to price myself out but don't want to be too cheap ....
So did anyone go to Legg's farm today? I did
brought home some beautiful birds also. What an amazing facility he has. The tour alone to see every variety and breed took 3 hours! He was very open and forthcoming explaining the birds and how he developed the varieties. A hard working man to say the least.
At the maximum that will fit 9 chickens. The minimum recommendation is 4 square feet per full grown chicken.

A coop that is 4x4 is only large enough for 4 chickens. Doesn't matter what the height is. If the run is 4x5, it is recommended at least 10 sq feet per chicken outside, that is 20 sq feet - enough for 2 chickens.

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