calling any one from missouri

Get those game cameras up. If you can take pictures in to identify they can prosecute not just warn them. Are they hitting you about every night now? Do they have teenagers? Destruction like that sounds like a kid thing - bored kids running loose because there is no trouble for them to get into in the country ya know.....
Get those game cameras up. If you can take pictures in to identify they can prosecute not just warn them. Are they hitting you about every night now? Do they have teenagers? Destruction like that sounds like a kid thing - bored kids running loose because there is no trouble for them to get into in the country ya know.....
They usually hit in the early morning and they have two small kids. We were out side on Sunday most of the day and we collected 7 eggs from our quail where as through the week when we take the kids to there therapy appointments we are lucky to get three eggs. They are collecting the eggs when we are not here or asleep still. I figure they are bringing their kids with them and not caring what they are doing while they collecting the eggs. We have to get new cameras today because ours are not working for some reason but they will be up this after noon. We were putting doors in the runs but I think we are just going to build a pole barn and just make the chicken coops in the barn area and make the runs off the side of the barn. That way there will be a man door to get in the barn that will stay locked and then the doors to get into the runs will just be on the inside of the barn. Let's see how well they can pick locks.
Well went up to the barn last night and for some reason the bag of feed was dumped all over the barn floor. I just don't understand the childish things they do. If they want the eggs I don't like it but then just take the eggs but to dump a half a bag of feed all over the place is just childish and only harms the egg production. Thankfully we had bought a bag of feed the other day and just had not gotten in out of the truck yet so we were able to feed them last night. We will be going to the police this after noon and filing a report as well as taking an ad out in the local newspaper for a notice of no hunting and no tresspassing on our property so that it is not only posted on the property but also in public notifications. I know this will not stop them but at least when we shot them we can say we gave all warning necessary before taking that action. This week is going to be beefing up security. I just don't understand some people anymore. I just hope that they don't start breeding rabbits again because it is just too hot to breed them and it is just so much more work when they are bred in July and August. Barn door is locked so hopefully that will keep them out for now.
I would also put up no trespassing signs private property and Purple spray paint markings mean no hunting period so that will also help. All hunters know this and should respect it.

I would also lock up everything you can, make the report, set up the cameras because if you have signs up and a picture its just more evidence, and rock salt great idea. if you have a gun do some target practicing if they are in the area they will hear it and maybe think twice.
I do not understand a lot of the Bible but I remembered this verse and wondered if you might try this instead.

Proverbs 25

New American Standard Bible (NASB)

25:1 These also are proverbs of Solomon which the men of Hezekiah, king of Judah, transcribed.

25:21 If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat;
And if he is thirsty, give him water to drink;
25:22 For you will heap burning coals on his head,
And the Lord will reward you.
It did run through my mind if they were hungry. Then again....
If they can afford a "summer place" it's not that they are hungry.

That would be funny tho....

Stop off thier place some morning on your way out with a carton of eggs and when you give them to them...
tell them you'd thought you'd spare them the trouble of stealing them......
It did run through my mind if they were hungry. Then again....
If they can afford a "summer place" it's not that they are hungry.

That would be funny tho....

Stop off thier place some morning on your way out with a carton of eggs and when you give them to them...
tell them you'd thought you'd spare them the trouble of stealing them......

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