calling any one from missouri

Does anyone have suggestion for organic or non-gmo feed in the KCMO area? Or really any suggestions at all. I'm becoming increasingly concerned about the food in the stores with all the GMO,chemicals and other non-sense. Trying to find ways to provide actual "food" for my family (including the chickens, goats and turkeys!) don't really have enough space to grow my own feed....

I was looking around my local Orschelns store the other day, I usually get Nutrena feed for my chooks, and saw they had a small (10 pound bag, I think) of organic non GMO feed for chickens, it was triple the price of the other feed. I think I would try growing fodder if space is limited, or getting the GMO feed (look around online) and fermenting it as they say doing the fermenting helps them eat less feed. I'm hoping to be able to grow at least some of my own chicken feed this next year....seems a shame that it is so hard to come by non GMO organic feed for the animals, after all, they are feeding us!
I was looking around my local Orschelns store the other day, I usually get Nutrena feed for my chooks, and saw they had a small (10 pound bag, I think) of organic non GMO feed for chickens, it was triple the price of the other feed. I think I would try growing fodder if space is limited, or getting the GMO feed (look around online) and fermenting it as they say doing the fermenting helps them eat less feed. I'm hoping to be able to grow at least some of my own chicken feed this next year....seems a shame that it is so hard to come by non GMO organic feed for the animals, after all, they are feeding us!
First off, howdy from another Missourian! I just joined the forum today and my husband and I joined Missouri 5 years ago, escaping IL and not looking back!

I read an article this past week about 85-90% of all corn grown in America is GMO. It's almost impossible to avoid when you consider that everything we consume from Corn Syrup to Sirloin Steak probably has been manufactured or fed GMO manipulated corn.

I definitely want my flock to be fed as healthily and naturally as possible. We have a large yard and orchard for them to scratch and peck in.

You mention that you are planning to grow some of your own feed this year. May I ask what you plan to grow? I have plenty of place to potentially do the same thing.

somewhere between Macon and Kirksville on a gravel road on a ridge in NEMO
Howdy Microchick!

I don't think I've seen anyone as close to me as you are on here. I'm in little ole Shelbina!
I see people from Kirskville, St. Louis, KC. but nobody ever mentions Macon =)

The corn question: it is tough finding yellow corn that is non-GMO and when you do plant it we have so much cross pollinated GMO corn
growing around us that it gets infected as well.
What I am looking into is planting white corn and blue corn this year. From my understanding it is the protein in the yellow corn that makes it
so easy to modify. Where as the protein in white and blue corn are actually quite different from yellow corn.
I know this because the protein of yellow corn is so similar to wheat gluten that the body mistakes it for gluten. Not a problem if you don't have gluten issues. As for me a huge problem because I have gluten allergies along with yellow corn. I do not feed corn to my chickens at all since this is our first year of having them. Now next year I plan on feeding them the white and blue corn I grow and those you can get in heirloom/non-gmo seed quite easily.

I stumbled on a feed/seed company in Texas once (can't remember the name of it) but they service Texan's with non-gmo and organic seed/feed for animals. I wish we had something like that here in Missouri but as of yet I haven't found it. A lot of people order from Azure Standard but the shipping is very high and I haven't found a co-op that orders from them.

welcome to the board
Shelbina! Go figure! Wish I had a nickle for every time we drove by there. We are 19 miles from the city of maples.

Luckily there are very few corn fields around us, just cows horses Amish and chickens. Thanks for the info about the blue and white corn.

What kind of chickens do you have. I'm planning my flock right now and having a blast doing it.So many great varieties to choose from.
I have two breeds because my hubby insisted on having White Crested Black Polish. We have 5 hens and 3 roos. I know to many roos but will get it worked out when it gets a bit warmer.
The breed I chose are LF Cochin. I have splash and one blue male.
I chose this breed because I fell in love with the beautiful feathering it goes all the way down on the feet. The colors are amazing and I just love them. I have 5 splash hens, 1 splash roo and
then Mr. Blue the roo.
Now for the practical side of me, the Cochin come in bantam and large fowl. I chose the large fowl for size, these birds are hardy for our winters because of all the extra feathering. I also read that
they make great meat birds. I am not NPIP certified yet but as soon as I am I plan on hatching to sell as well.
I just think it is a great bird all the way around =)

I am so excited for you! I remember last year when I began planning my flock. The ole loving hubby had to keep me in line but in the end I think we ended with 2 really great breeds. Will you be ordering from a hatchery? I believe I read somewhere the hatcheries will start taking orders on January 2nd. I got ours from Cackle, it was before I figured out I could get home grown eggs/chicks from the people on these boards. I still ended up with some great birds and would love to show a couple this year as soon as I learn where shows are and how to enter.
When you decide on your birds post it I would love to know what you go with.
Cochin's are actually one of the breeds I've been looking at. Possibly bantams. The one Cochin I had way back when was a lovely little guy that ruled the roost literally. I wouldn't much mind having all bantams although the prepper side of me sees the logic of having dual purpose birds on the farm also.
bantams are cute but I am limited by housing for the chickens. 2 breeds are all I can handle right now.
I don't mind though taking my time to learn and build up the flock along with getting animals is working well for me.

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