calling any one from missouri

@microchick I have 2 sharing a box. One is fully committed and I rarely see her up. The other I'm not so sure on. Saw her out most of the day Sunday. Either way, neither are getting eggs right now. That's for sure. Way too cold and unpredictable weather this time of year. Not to mention I have no room for more!
@microchick I have 2 sharing a box. One is fully committed and I rarely see her up. The other I'm not so sure on. Saw her out most of the day Sunday. Either way, neither are getting eggs right now. That's for sure. Way too cold and unpredictable weather this time of year. Not to mention I have no room for more!
Aren't they silly birds?

If our girl still has her fluffy bum on the nest tomorrow, I won't have any choice but to put her back in the dreaded broody buster. I have the feeling that she is going to keep doing this until she gets her way. My husband said I needed to brace myself to sell off extra pullets and cockerels. We have room for a few more birds and in fact, I'm planning to add about three feet to our coop this spring but our 12 girls are keeping us up to our eyeballs in eggs even during the winter months. The Welsummers aren't laying as well as the Buffs but their eggs are Extra Large and they aren't even a year old yet. I have to admit that I'm anxious to see what our Wellies, Buffs and Lavender Orp's babies are going to look like when the time comes.
Knigge, is that from Heartland Hatchery stock? The reason I ask is my EE roo is also silver and red.

I actually do not know. A lady was selling a bunch of chicks for $1 each so I bought 5. Only 2 made it. 1 died shortly after we got them and 2 committed suicide in the goat water. Apparently the bowls of water weren't good enough for them.
Could be brothers lol
I actually do not know. A lady was selling a bunch of chicks for $1 each so I bought 5. Only 2 made it. 1 died shortly after we got them and 2 committed suicide in the goat water. Apparently the bowls of water weren't good enough for them.
well that's new suicidal versus pecking the weak to death. Mean little buggers.
I like chickens but boy can they be tough on each other.
They are silly. I am going to have to get them broken though. We are going out of town at the end of the month and no one to collect eggs. By the time we get back they'll be several days on the nest. Had the same thing happen over Labor Day and ended up with 7 chicks. Still have the two roos from that batch. I'm getting overrun!
Aren't they silly birds? 

If our girl still has her fluffy bum on the nest tomorrow, I won't have any choice but to put her back in the dreaded broody buster. I have the feeling that she is going to keep doing this until she gets her way. My husband said I needed to brace myself to sell off extra pullets and cockerels. We have room for a few more birds and in fact, I'm planning to add about three feet to our coop this spring but our 12 girls are keeping us up to our eyeballs in eggs even during the winter months.  The Welsummers aren't laying as well as the Buffs but their eggs are Extra Large and they aren't even a year old yet. I have to admit that I'm anxious to see what our Wellies, Buffs and Lavender Orp's babies are going to look like when the time comes.
I don't have the time (or the heart) to deal with the broody buster cage again so I'm leaning towards finishing up the nursery coop so it is nice and draft free and letting her have her way with 6 eggs. Our flock has slowed down over the winter but the girls are still giving us 3-9 eggs a day and we know the roosters are doing their roostery job so I will probably giver her three Welsummer eggs and three Buff O eggs (we have two Welsummer Roos, one Buff O roo and one Lavender O rooster) and see what funny looking mutts pop out of those eggs around the first of March.

Aggie is such a sweet little hen, very good natured even when I'm boosting her off her nest and stealing her eggs. I just can't put her or myself through that stress again. Easier for both of us if we just let her do what nature is telling her to do.
What breeds?

I may have to look into it.
They didn't have the breeds labeled. The 3 I got look like Ameraucana/EE's. You can see the muffs but it's too early to see the beards. They had brown, white, & black ones as well as the EE looking ones. If I remember correctly they also had some labeled as buff orps. You could probably call & ask them what breeds they have.

1 of the Ameraucana/EE cockerels has dark legs the other two have light legs. I will probably keep the dark legged cockerel. We'll see how the 3 of them develop.
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