calling any one from missouri

Hey all Missouri peeps. I am looking for a good quality Swedish flower hen pullet or 2. I have some other rare breeds to trade for them. Anyone know any leads?
Ok, so after all the battle with the city, I can have 7 hens, but cannot replace after they pass, can't add too, just sucks. What also sucks is that I have 9 pullets here, so because of the city and their limits on coop size (had to take down my first and go through a major process just to get approved this far for a new one
), we need to let go of 2 pullets. We are thinking 2 of the GL Brahmas, but it's sad trying to choose, these only came up because they are the newest birds to us. These are also the ones my family is least attached too, lol. We hate to see them go, as we have come to love their antics and demenor. Did have someone that I was more than happy to let have them, but they are having hawk problems (as are we) and are having a hard time figuring out expanding their coop/run. If anyone is interested, let me know. They were hatched by Jacquie on July 10. I say pullet so far since none have comb or wattles with enlargement or redness yet, and no pointed feathers on the hackles and saddles. Also no crowing, lol.
PS-The city has actually now put an official ban on chickens, so we will definately be looking for a new home in the next couple of years! We want a few acres and goats and llamas along with many more chickens! This suburb thing is just starting to get old......
PS-The city has actually now put an official ban on chickens, so we will definately be looking for a new home in the next couple of years! We want a few acres and goats and llamas along with many more chickens! This suburb thing is just starting to get old......

Nicole, I will take them back if you cant find a place to re-home them
Nicole, I will take them back if you cant find a place to re-home them

Thanks Jacquie, really trying to figure out a way to keep them since Brahmama is having hawk issues, and she was who they were going to go to. Just as long as they have good homes, but we really enjoy them, they have the best little "awkward ostrich" run ever, and such lovely personalities.
Awesome, I'm glad he is. You're his third BYC owner. Out of the 6 chicks I bought from Roxanne only 1 is female lol. I'd love to find homes for the rest.

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