calling any one from missouri

Pen- I use a long handled floor scraper to clean my chicken house. It will scrape off most any dried on poo.

I have a big issue with mice living under my chicken house right now. Thanks to the hard winter, I have a lovely batch of them coming up to feed. With all the straw and feed that goes through the cracks, they should be FAT. I have been letting my dog and cats get some of the mice but it may be time to get some traps put under.

Mochicken- My husband is out tilling as I type. I plan to get my garden in tomorrow while its dry enough. I hate gardening in August so I want to get it in while I can.

Lovely day today. Chickens were oh so happy to be out tonight. Everyone is getting along too. New birds and old birds have had enough time out in the yard that they are no longer quarreling.
I spent the day at the exotic auction at fruitland. and I didn't come home with any critters
ect ect ect
No porcupines??! LoL I totally forgot that was going on today. I've been in major pain with wisdom teeth so its been hard to think of much else...ugh. Its a 2 day thing right? I can't remember if the first day is poultry too or the second day.
The sunshine was so nice today..very needed!
there was poultry. I didn't buy any. any poultry left was being auctioned this morning at 8. there was two pair of lav cochins they were nice but $35 per pair, and I don't have a pen for them.
Oh wish I could have seen them! I've been looking all over for blue or lavender hens to put with my black trio. Anyone going to the Farmington swap? I planned to but looks like it will be pouring down rain, again!
So I have an ad on Craig's list for a single bantam mixed breed hen and get 8 replies. But not one for my phoenix pair. Go figure.

What a yucky day. So glad I got my garden in yesterday. Made the BIG mistake of letting all the birds out and my big hens went and dug up all my hills with seeds. I will not make that mistake again. I guess I could have a garden growing in my chicken house once they finish with the seeds.
Just thought I would introduce myself in the "Missouri" thread! As my info says, I am from Steelville, about 80 miles west of St Louis near I-44. We have 10 acres and are very excited to begin our chicken adventure! I had planned to go to Mansfield today to the Bakers Creek Spring Planting Festival and bring home some more baby chicks, but the weather didn't cooperate! Looking forward to getting to know ya'll!
, I was wanting to go to the Bakers Creek too,but like you the weather made me rethink that idea...I think it's going to be going on Monday too,but if they have had half the rain we've had it would be a muddy mess
hope to go some time sounds like fun...Have you been in the past??

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