calling any one from missouri

I'm glad you have egg customers! Hope it goes well for you. Like you mentioned it helps offset feed costs anyway! Around here people wont pay more than $1.50 a doz. That's way too low. I just don't think they realize what it costs to feed them, besides the time involved otherwise I would think about selling them also.
Glad to know someones making a go of it though!
There were a few times I didn't one that was buying weekly lost my number and came over about 2 wks later inbetween that time I was louded so put add on Craigslist. Form that got a few customers but only one loyal one but she buys 4 dz a week, another one buys 3 dz ever other week and my neighbor buys 1.5 doz a week. I also had a few people stop from my sign out front but no real steady customers from it. I sell eggs, chicks and ducklings at the moment so far it has just been helping to pay for there feed and improvments to there pens or getting more birds I want. I can definatly live with that. There are allot of people out there selling eggs. Im sourdough surprised I get the $2 out of them since one town over people try selling them for $1dz that is way to low. Brown eggs in supermarket are 1.75 dz.
I don't really understand why people wouldn't pay more for farm fresh eggs? Seems kind of odd! In the store I spend about 3.75/dz for brown, free range, organic eggs, and I know those poor birds' version of free range is that they get to walk around in close proximity in a giant, barely ventilated metal building. When my girls start laying I've already got customers at work, and I'm selling them for $3/dz, if not more. Of course, I've only got 7 pullets and a roo, so it's not like I plan on making bank. Maybe when my flock grows I could reach out to others and sell more. I'll see how it goes come this fall!
I saw a posting on Craigslist earlier this year. Not sure if it is still there... If not, you could probably put a want out over CL.

I saw that too. I may still have her number. She is pretty close, too.​
Ha ha, you could just buy the porcelain d'uccle trio I just listed on Craigslist.......

Honestly, what are you going to do if all of them hatch?????

Wanna buy some chicks???
I am definitely not liking how these gas prices are curbing my chicken habit!!! The answer is always 'yes, I want to buy some chicks'. But the reality of my hobby expenses going way up is putting a damper on things. I'm even advertising 3 of my young Langshan hens as we have more eggs than we can eat. Maybe when both kids are out of daycare... Just 3 more years to go!

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